
in THE 2020s6 days ago

They're eating the dogs said Trump when he was with Harris in the debate. They tried mocking him in memes but it instead went viral as it was true that illegal aliens come due to open borders into America and Europe and they're eating animals like they do in other countries, it's a no brainer pun intended. 30/ Turbo lied again yet again in my Discord Server, I didn't delete Turbo's messages, that is yet another reason why Turbo should be demoted for the Oatmeal Fake news.

Trying to figure things out regarding the weekend. Feeling bad all day. Videos: RV video: Hawk Tuah in Oatmeal World. Watched: Tulsa King 106-107, Alex Jones, Timcast

1900s to 2006, Photos

Trump Kamala Harris Cats Hate GXVa_VSbgAIxOET.jpeg
They're eating the dogs and cats

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-09-12 - Thursday | Published in September of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png
Join My Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-09-12 - Thursday - 02:30 PM - Discord Log

30/ Turbo lied again yet again in my Discord Server, I didn't delete Turbo's messages, that is yet another reason why Turbo should be demoted for the Oatmeal Fake news. 31/ Instead of making better Oatmeal Memes from content I have all over the Internet, my lazy trolls will take whatever I throw at them in my Discord Server instead, it's like I'm spoon feeding babies, so many lazy fake people follow me, they're missing out on being actual heirs. 32/ First person to share this in my Oatmeal World Discord Server will be promoted or rewarded posted by [Nicki Minaj] Chelsey @ hydroglonicacid, ID 932013748108009522, TikTok: @ user4ql77yqwxq; @ typeshitsac; this male dude/boy (16) should be demoted to guards for many reasons.

06:16 PM
33/ Recommended ages for roles: I pinged everybody in my Discord Server this message at 03:14 PM:

Guards -- 30 years old or older
Admins -- 35 years old or older
Masters - 40 years old or older
Rulers --- 45 years old or older
Gods ---- 50 years old or older
Owners - 100 years old or older

There MIGHT be EXCEPTIONS to these RULES because AGE is NOT the only FACTOR determining which roles and levels people should have

Polls, Debates, Trials, Judgement: these are the four steps in this exact order people should enact when making decisions regarding promoting, demoting, etc; everybody is encouraged to promote and demote everybody all of the time; you can be rewarded/punished depending on what you do and don't do

Other Factors
You could demote people you don't know or trust. Promote the best of the best. Demote the worst. Demote liars. Demote anonymous accounts. Demote men who pretend to be women. I'll continue to put out better guides to the Internet to help people in determining who to promote/demote as there is a long list of conflicting factors to consider when making tough decisions; this server is run by the people; only a few people will actually read all of these words I'm writing, code F5thuy-Fred92; please demote bad gods and other people of other roles too; we're looking for more Heirs of the Oatmeal to become owners of this server and beyond

06:33 PM
39/ @ Jadey2001 can become owner maybe in five years, probably not right now, Jade already has a very high position already, Jade is over many of the goddamn @ GODS, and we also have other potential owners like Darth Loner, that Hawaiian chick, and possibly a few other people.

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People Are Welcome to Participate in Our Groups

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Tulsa King 106-107

2024-09-12 - Thursday - 02:58 AM - Tulsa King 106-107

He told his daughter he killed the man because he hurt her. Meanwhile, the FBI is approaching. They questioned the tech guy. But they had the safe empty before the FBI came. Gun fight. Murder of a mob boss by his own son in a tub. Husband of a gal killed. Biker mob leader took her out. Girl gets a horse before it is turned to glue. Tech guy said he stole Bitcoin and had millions of dollars.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Tulsa King 106-107

2024-09-12 - Thursday - 02:58 AM - Tulsa King 106-107

12:33 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 9/12/24 • HAITIAN MIGRANTS TERRORIZING, News, Reports & Analysis

05:50 PM
Trump Announces NO TAXES ON OVERTIME, Says NO MORE Debates With Kamala w/Joel Valdez | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to myOatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed before like 5. I got up at 12:00 PM. RV video: Hawk Tuah in Oatmeal World. Rainy day. Breakfast: 12:30 PM. Lunch: 01:14 PM. Helped mom get rid of like a dozen slugs she salted or baking soda, to the compost sticks pile by her room but outside, hose off the driveway by the raspberry garden gate, this was around 04:00 PM. Dishes. Compost. Mail. Felt bad all day, like a bad mood. Larry came home around 04:30 PM or whatever. Mom was defrosting the RV fridge, I dried it, hung up those 2 towels. I looked at Bill Bailey's Facebook. My laptop froze again like it did Monday and it does it like almost everyday past month or longer. Before that not so much for the past like year or two. Before that, maybe a lot around like 2022 and maybe 2022. But maybe got better around 2023 or whatever and then after that. Like this ASUS laptop was maybe freezing less often after like August 2023. Now it seems to be back to freezing more often. See my logs for more details. Dinner: 05:45 PM. Dishes. Nap for like a few hours or less starting around maybe 10 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 2 tangerines, 12:30 PM. Lunch: yogurt in a cup, 01:14 PM. Dinner: broccoli soup on top of the leftovers from yesterday which was leftovers of the previous day with added stuff, 05:45 PM.


Dear @joeyarnoldvn !
Did you know that Vietnamese people enjoy eating dog meat?

In Asia, Europe, Africa, America, and Oceania, the custom of eating dog meat has existed for a long time. Native Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans also enjoy dog ​​meat today.

I do not oppose the practice of eating dog meat. There is no right to interfere with an individual's freedom to eat dog meat.

Dog meat has less cholesterol than beef, horse, or pork, and is better for human health because it is not produced using growth promoters.

In East Asian medicine, dog meat is effective in treating heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity.

Even Americans who travel to the world I live in said that they can't forget the taste of dog meat because it is so delicious.😄

So, I want to treat my beloved brother Joseph to a dog meat meal in the future.


 6 days ago  

Yes, I might have eaten dog or something in Vietnam. But the problem in America is that of theft and robbery and more.

Dear Joesph!
Have you ever eaten dog meat in Vietnam? Do you object to Americans eating dog meat?

Dog meat has less cholesterol than cows, horses, pig, and sheep, so it is good for treating heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and arteriosclerosis. The reason Asians have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans is because they eat dog meat.😄

 5 days ago  

I don't know if I ate dog meat. They do not always tell you what kind of meat it is. People can eat whatever meat they want. That's not a problem. Haha dog meat is good for heart you say? I did not know haha