
in THE 2020s10 months ago

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And Alex Jones predicts the lizard cabal throws Trump in prison so they can claim Donald pulled a Jeffrey Epstein or God forbid they'll frame MAGA supporters (Jan6 or 9/11 or JFK on steroids) claiming the same people who want Trump to win the election in 2024 also murdered Trump. Government whispered into the ears of the X-Files creator, a spin-off had an episode predict 9/11, airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center in New York in 2001; a purpose behind getting this onto TV, onto Fox, is to trigger white hats to pop up, meaning anybody who might try to stop agencies from carrying out or in not stopping 9/11 themselves. Government was already spying on Americans even in the 1990s via cable boxes which had microphones in them. So, they sometimes put out info in order to trigger activists who may be onto them. Government can then stop the white hats while continuing their false flags and everything else. Humanity is like a disease to the lizard cabal, like a beehive, they'll lure queens out of hives so they can squish the bugs via two shots in the back of the head given the label of suicide, oh thanks Hillary Clinton. Some of the technocracy we see today was being planned out in the 1860s, atomic bombs in the 1890s, said Alex Jones commenting on Tucker Carlson talking to that Russian guy, we should rethink who the real terrorists are; Trump is aware of some things as it relates to his uncle.

I would rather government focus on controlling who can come in and out of the country which America has open borders where millions of people walk into America right now with no passports, visa, documents, certificates, papers, ID cards, photos, identification, or anything; many people get murdered by criminals who are released from countries and crazy hospitals. The government in the United States is actively destroying America. Hegelian Dialect: problem, reaction, solution: for example, people like George Soros can fund both the Palestine Supporters protesting Israel and also the cops with the goal of burning down America similar to how we attacked governments in the Middle East creating power vacuum. This is the kind of stuff I learn from Alex Jones.

JFK was murdered after he ordered the American Zionist Council in 1962 to comply with the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), I saw this on Alex Jones, why is Trump not talking about this as it relates to Israel, Palestine, lobbyists, government agencies, corruption. Israel attacked America in 1967, the NSA is keeping the details secret similar to the JFK files which even Trump failed to publish, was the USS Liberty Attack similar to what happened with the Titanic and with 9/11, I saw this on Alex Jones.

Weeding around RV. Wine. Music sorting. Videos: 1990s Heroes Uniting. Connected Isolated Oatmeal. Harry Potter Hot Dogs. 2005 Oatmeal Stealing Bagels. 2004 Oatmeal Llama Basketball Champions. Watched Criminal Minds 1311.



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Oatmeal Daily - 2024-04-30 - Tuesday | Published in April of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:28 AM
1990s Heroes Uniting, Version 1, TMNT, Power Rangers, Nintendo Mario, Mortal Kombat, Star Trek Borg, Arcade, Suno & Noisee AI

02:38 AM
Connected Isolated Oatmeal

Connected But Individualized
On my never ending list of things to do includes the ongoing battle of trying to centralize and decentralize my projects all at the same time, I've attempted said feat on and off for years, let me explain what I mean
YouTube Example
Say for example, one way to illustrate what I'm trying to say would be this, say if I had a main Oatmeal channel which might link to individual side channels which one of them could be named Oatmeal Music, then that would be an example
Careers vs Hobbies
I say all that to say I've started many projects during the course of my life, but you might say it's not always easy to know which is a side hustle and which will likely become a multiple-decade career; whether I knew better or not, I've conflated between long-term jobs and one-night-stand gigs, I usually mean well but I've gotten tunnel-vision, distracted, impatient, jealous, and the list goes on and on
Main v Side
On my to-do list is to try to try to keep publish my best work to main channels while also upload specific content to specific channels at the same time; for example, perhaps computer geek podcasts should be mostly uploaded to Oatmeal Tech themed channels, blogs, social media, websites, and everything; that is say for example
Constructive Criticism
I try to accept constructive criticism from everybody within reason, haters, lovers, fans, critics; I'm not saying I promise to always do as I'm told by my audience or people in general; I'm trying to clean up my public image even tho I'm probably not famous enough at the moment for much to really matter at least on the world stage or whatever level might be dangerously too high

11:55 AM
Harry Potter Hot Dogs in New York City, Version 1, Suno & Noisee AI

12:11 PM
2005 Oatmeal Stealing Bagels, Version 1, WOLBI Adventure, College Years, Suno & Noisee AI

12:18 PM
2004 Oatmeal Llama Basketball Champions, Version 1, New York Jungle, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:15 AM

I would rather government focus on controlling who can come in and out of the country which America has open borders where millions of people walk into America right now with no passports, visa, documents, certificates, papers, ID cards, photos, identification, or anything; many people get murdered by criminals who are released from countries and crazy hospitals. The government in the United States is actively destroying America.

11:10 AM
I'm still voting Trump
But Trump is still a murderer
Because Covid Vaccines are killing people

11:42 AM
Fish is now Engineer Fireflower @ yohoholololol on Discord. 01:23 PM: When I extended songs on Suno, the extensions are a minute long as opposed to two minutes.

11:04 PM
Someday, Harry Sisson @harryjsisson might delete this tweet about Jack Smith which attacks Trump, America, and the entire world as it counters the rule of law itself, Harry is only 21 and is aligning with evil.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Criminal Minds 1311

2024-04-30 - Tuesday - 03:30 AM - Criminal Minds 1311

Buried alive. Bar. Reed back. Not the guy. Drugs. Female dealer. Possibly an affair. Husband did not murder people. Reed talked to girl about how he relates to mushrooms.

10:10 AM
Alex Jones Breaks Down How He Was Able To Predict 9-11 - AJ on Rumble

10:14 PM
Government whispered into the ears of the X-Files creator, a spin-off had an episode predict 9/11, airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center in New York in 2001; a purpose behind getting this onto TV, onto Fox, is to trigger white hats to pop up, meaning anybody who might try to stop agencies from carrying out or in not stopping 9/11 themselves. Government was already spying on Americans even in the 1990s via cable boxes which had microphones in them. So, they sometimes put out info in order to trigger activists who may be onto them. Government can then stop the white hats while continuing their false flags and everything else. Humanity is like a disease to the lizard cabal, like a beehive, they'll lure queens out of hives so they can squish the bugs via two shots in the back of the head given the label of suicide, oh thanks Hillary Clinton.

10:37 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 4/30/24 • ALEKSANDR DUGIN AND THE END OF HUMANITY, Reports & Analysis

11:25 AM
Hegelian Dialect: problem, reaction, solution: for example, people like George Soros can fund both the Palestine Supporters protesting Israel and also the cops with the goal of burning down America similar to how we attacked governments in the Middle East creating power vacuum. This is the kind of stuff I learn from Alex Jones.

01:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 4/30/24 • ROGER STONE - TRUMP & THE ELECTION - News, Reports & Analysis

12:51 PM
Some of the technocracy we see today was being planned out in the 1860s, atomic bombs in the 1890s, said Alex Jones commenting on Tucker Carlson talking to that Russian guy, we should rethink who the real terrorists are; Trump is aware of some things as it relates to his uncle.

01:14 PM
JFK was murdered after he ordered the American Zionist Council in 1962 to comply with the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), I saw this on Alex Jones, why is Trump not talking about this as it relates to Israel, Palestine, lobbyists, government agencies, corruption. 02:00 PM: Israel attacked America in 1967, the NSA is keeping the details secret similar to the JFK files which even Trump failed to publish, was the USS Liberty Attack similar to what happened with the Titanic and with 9/11, I saw this on Alex Jones. Israelis filmed 9/11 as it happened, did they know planes were going to crash into the World Trade Center, why were they jovial, how were they already prepared, I saw this on Alex Jones, Trump should comment, was Rothschild or others involved, agencies are hiding the details. They went on TV in Israel after they were released from prison. What were the Jews doing occupying floors 90 and 91 of the World Trade Center in March of 2001. Israel had spies living in floors 90 & 91 of the World Trade Center in March of 2001, these floors were unfinished which had structural beams and walls exposed. Did they remove windows from the north tower of the World Trade Center before it went down on 9/11 in 2001. 9/11 related helicopter N666ELH. Hunter Biden was not invited to the art show scheduled for Tuesday, the 11th day of September of 2001. Bill Clinton Monica Lewinski was distraction as artists were allowed to bring whatever they wanted to floors on the North Tower of the World Trade Center for 4 years leading up to 9/11 from 1997 to 2001 meaning during the Monica Lewinski Scandal, fake news is always distracting. Why did a plane crash into the same floors that the Israeli artists were occupying for four years. The 9/11 Commission Report failed to mention that the Explosive Team of artists, the Gelatin, were in the World Trade Center for four years leading up to the demise of the three towers in New York City on that day in September of 2001, saw this on Alex Jones, Trump should comment.

02:58 PM
Alex Jones predicts the lizard cabal throws Trump in prison so they can claim Donald pulled a Jeffrey Epstein or God forbid they'll frame MAGA supporters (Jan6 or 9/11 or JFK on steroids) claiming the same people who want Trump to win the election in 2024 also murdered Trump. 03:35 PM: Congress in the United States is attempting to end the balance of the three branches of government by colluding with the judicial branch to steal executive control (Trump 2025) over the military, said Alex Jones, or as Tim Pool says, Civil War.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:12 AM
Cobra Cast 199

Criminal Minds 1311

2024-04-30 - Tuesday - 03:30 AM - Criminal Minds 1311

10:10 AM
Alex Jones Breaks Down How He Was Able To Predict 9-11 - AJ on Rumble

10:37 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 4/30/24 • ALEKSANDR DUGIN AND THE END OF HUMANITY, Reports & Analysis

01:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 4/30/24 • ROGER STONE - TRUMP & THE ELECTION - News, Reports & Analysis

09:33 PM
US Begins Invasion Of Gaza, Defense Sec Says LIKELY Combat Begins w/Conor Tomlinson | Timcast IRL



Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 08:45 AM, knock on my door, where the drill, by the recycling, my first thought was random people or cops. It was mom, I was able to tell her the location of the drill. Breakfast, 08:45 AM. Ate an orange, back to sleep. Up again at about 09:50 AM. Had to restart my 2021 ASUS Laptop as the mic was still on as the mic blocks it from waking up from sleep meaning it must be forced off and back on. Might be a bug in the OS or something. More good at 10:02 AM. Lunch, 10:45 AM. Located the largest glass jar for wine for mom. Reviewing TV content from 2010 and 2011. Weeding around RV which is not here at 06:00 PM. Mom was thrilled, helped for a sec. It lightly rained for a few seconds a few times, nice day. Dishes at 07:00 PM for two hours or longer, mop with a half cup of vinegar. Dinner, 09:28 PM. Organized music sheets for an hour with mom for Larry, Dishes again, mom spilled sugar on the stove, Iw as scrubbing it forever. Mom laughed seeing a gorilla or big foot on a zebra on TV, probably not real. Might frost here tonight as we enter May 2024 said the TV. Odd. They also said you might get sick from eating walnuts. That is fake news, it is more a war on local news. Back here around 11:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: orange, 08:45 AM; coffee, pineapple, 10:02 AM. Lunch: spinach, 10:45 AM. Beans, green beans, chili, corn, 12:46 PM.Dinner: potatoes, 09:28 PM. Poached boiled eggs, 11:00 PM.

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Done 👍

 10 months ago  
