My game-playing experience

in Axie Buzz3 years ago (edited)


I'm sure we're all conflicted about the current state of the game. Some of us find it exciting, others find it tolerable, and still others are exhausted. I suppose I've experienced all of those emotions at various points in my life.

When I first joined and received my first axie scholarships, I was assigned to a team with a dusk termi, beast, and plant line up that has a good advantage in pvp. I've played my fair share of pvp games from traditional gaming, such as mobile legends, and while I enjoyed being competitive and talking trash back then, I just don't want to be mad anymore. I don't want to be anxious. Besides, 150 slp per day sounds reasonable to me. This was the most ecstatic I'd ever been about Axie. So imagine my pikachu's surprise when they cut the pve and daily rewards in half.

When arena became a requirement to actually earn slp, that's when the burned out phase began. I understand that you shouldn't be earning money by clicking cards in advance mode, but it was so abrupt, and even the way it was implemented was unprofessional. Anyway, the first few weeks were fine; I was dealing with similar teams as well as the team that was opposing me. It was aggravating. It also compelled me to learn how to play. I learned to count my opponent's energy, cards, and even memorize how much damage my cards did to specific axie types at one point. It was draining. Despite my best efforts, I still dropped 1100 mmr below my previous average. So I had to decide whether or not to give up. I don't enjoy it any longer, and I've already stopped. For a variety of reasons, I prefer the latter. I am confident that I will be able to recoup the funds.

I need money for things like digital games on consoles/computers, and another crypto game I wanted to play has been delayed for another quarter.

Today, arena is acceptable, but adventure mode is not. I'm not excited about anything, most likely because of a certain co-founder with the communication skills of a toddler. Crits, double talk, and gravel ants have all made me numb. In general, I'm uninterested in axie. I put in time, I get paid, and that's all there is to it.

This got me thinking about the future of blockchain games in general, and how I still prefer traditional games, even if I don't make money from them. It's just that I play games for fun. But now I'm playing a game to earn money, and I'm getting used to how it works.


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