An extra boss fight (lvl 21)

in Axie Buzz3 years ago (edited)

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I don't think I had ever posted my confrontation with the boss at level 21, maybe it was because that day I didn't think I was going to make it, however I tried many times afterwards and I couldn't. Surprisingly today I said I was going to try one last time and I was going to record it. Surprisingly today I said I was going to try one last time and I was going to record it. And that was the result.

Creo que nunca había publicado mi enfrentamiento con el jefe que está en el nivel 21, tal vez fue porque ese día no pensaba que lo iba a lograr, sin embargo lo intente muchas veces después y no pude. Sorpresivamente hoy dije que lo iba a intentar una última vez y lo iba a grabar. Y pues ese fue el resultado.

Axie infinity has created certain expectations for me, the truth is that I am a dreamer as any other is. And I certainly see it as a great opportunity to achieve those goals. However, these last two months have been a bit tough.

Axie infinity me ha creado ciertas expectativas, la verdad es que yo soy un soñador como cualquier otro lo es. Y ciertamente lo veo como una gran oportunidad para lograr esas metas. Sin embargo, estos últimos dos meses ha sido un poco fuerte.

It is not a secret that Venezuela the internet is very problematic, and despite having hired INTER it was a total nightmare, because he was losing or rather, giving away the games. If it wasn't that it was stuck, it was that it didn't want to load or lost at the last moment because of the internet.

No es un secreto que Venezuela el internet es muy problemático, y a pesar de haber contratado a INTER fue una total pesadilla, porque perdía o mejor dicho, regalaba las partidas. Si no era que se quedaba pegado, era que no quería cargar o perdía en el último momento por culpa del internet.

As this is an acquired commitment, I had to take out all my savings to acquire a new and somewhat expensive internet service. The installation was almost $300 not counting the monthly fee of $40. Anyway, it was a necessary evil when it comes to fulfilling your duties and even more so when this is the way I earn my income.

Como esto es un compromiso adquirido, yo pues tuve que sacar todos mis ahorros para adquirir un nuevo servicio de internet algo costoso. La instalación fue casi unos $300 sin contar la mensualidad de $40. En fin, era un mal necesario cuando se trata de cumplir con tus deberes y más cuando esta es la vía de ingreso mio.

I think it is important to say this because I had run out of money, and having this scholarship has helped me tremendously. Even if it had not been for it, I would not have been able to start my grandparents' treatments, at least the first day; of course, that is being achieved with the impulse and support that many people have given me.

Creo que es importante decir esto porque yo había quedado sin dinero, y tener esta beca me ha ayudado enormemente. Incluso si no hubiese sido por ello, no hubiera podido empezar los tratamientos de mis abuelos, al menos el primer día; claro esta, eso se está logrando con el impulso y apoyo que me ha dado mucha gente.

But I must emphasize that it is important in life to be grateful for things, and one of them in my life is this scholarship. I say this also because there are people with multiple accounts that are causing chaos for the scholarship owners. I think you have to be humble, sincere and thankful for what you have, because greed only brings consequences, and we already see that many accounts were banned unfairly.

Pero debo destacar que es importante en la vida agradecer las cosas, y una de ellas en mi vida es esta beca. Esto lo digo también, porque hay personas con multicuentas que están provocando todo un caos por allí a los dueños de becas. Creo que hay que ser humildes, sinceros y agradecer lo que se tiene, porque la avaricia solo conlleva consecuencias, y ya vemos que muchas cuentas fueron baneadas injustamente.

Even though this scholarship had a goal in my life, which seems a little far away, I will never fail to emphasize how important it is for me and surely for many others.

A pesar de que esta beca tenía un objetivo en mi vida, la cual se ve un tanto lejana, nunca voy a dejar de destacar lo importante que es para mi y seguramente para muchos otros.


▶️ 3Speak


Heheh I have never played this game but I’m surprised by how your last fighter is able to come to the front to kill an enemy easily.

The second enemy you approached was a bit tougher for your first and second fighter but the same last fighter of yours came to rescue them. Lol

It's the best one I have, I love it, and you should play this game, it's fun, sometimes stressful but then you learn.

I’ll definitely try to play it thanks

Try playing it

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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

you´re the boss @pardostories with 1400

Hahah! thanks

I remember when I first cleared that level. Happy day.