The Journey of a new Axie Infinity manager Part I

in Axie Buzz4 years ago (edited)

Intro Does any space move faster than crypto? If one does, I haven't found it. My name is DB3FI, and I am the manager of OnChainEarners also known as OCE. In the paragraphs below, I will detail how I went from watching Axie Infinity on twitch to having my own 1k+ member discord and 20 scholars in one month. 😆 Where do we even begin!


How it started Like many others I have always been a gamer. From an early age, I spent countless late nights playing my favorite games. I played shooters, MMORPGS, card games, adventure games, you name it, I played it. Competitive games vs others was always my passion. As I grew older, life got busy.. but I always found time for a bit of gaming to escape reality. I couldn't help but feel guilty when playing games, even though I know I shouldn't worry. Something inside of me always felt like that time could be better used to improve my life. True gamers know once you get hooked by a game it is tough to stop. Twitch streamers and content creators have seemed to found the solution to these concerns. I have great respect for those who stream and create content and that felt like it would be the greatest job on earth. I always dreamt of a world where I could game and create a living from it, but that wasn't realistic... Until.


The Realization Axie Infinity is the greatest game I have ever seen in all my years. The thought of a player ran economy combined with a fun and strategic game using digital property, is better then anything I could have ever dreamt up. Once I understood how it worked and how scholarships ran, I couldn't not be involved. The thought of being able to help the less fortunate while also making a profit is one of the elusive win-win scenarios. Not to mention the almost risk-free leasing of digital assets which might be the most impressive part. OCE is still a small fish as of now, but I have every faith we will be making a big splash.


Buying Axies Although I never played or understood how Axie Infinity worked, I dove in head first. I was familiar with cryptocurrency already having been in the space for a few years. Like many others, started with bitcoin and ethereum investments then recently got into NFTS and gaming. Having investments in crypto helped with understanding how Ronin and purchasing worked so we got up and running fast. I witnessed the size and power of this community and took a leap of faith. We started with a team for myself, then began to find a few scholars. We made some mistakes like most people, and purchased some axies that did not work out. I could go into great detail about this and perhaps will in a later article. It is always a struggle to start a new game but now feel we have the hang of it. A lot of OCE focus currently is improving the teams we have and offering scholars proper training to maximize SLP. The scholars I have so far could not be better. They work extremely hard, and have been grinding day in day out with one common goal. I feel it is our obligation to them to be a better managers, so all parties can make good profit. This has been an enjoyable experience and I look forward to talking to them daily.


The People I will wrap up part 1 with the most important discovery we have made so far. Community is everything! One month ago, I had no scholars and was watching a stream. Today, we have an over 1k member community that is active. I could not do that without the great people so far. The scholars and community members beam with positivity and communication. You can feel the excitement and optimism with every "GM" entrance. At the end of the day, Axie communities exist to provide a better life for those involved and I could not be happier to contribute. I will keep this brief and look forward to going more in depth about the specific process and long term plans of OCE. Thanks for reading my rambles and I will link our discord and social below if anyone is interested or would like to contact me with any questions. The bigger axie managers have been very kind to me and I would like to pay it forward. Thanks to Axie Buzz for allowing us to write on this platform. --- Stay Tuned for partII DB3FI-OCE



I am glad that you have encouraged to enter Hive, you will see that this side of the platform is also good.

I hope to continue seeing more content here, and well you know friend, what you need there you contact me at Discord or with @gr33nm4ster.

P.S. I'm Javier Gama (DrakGama) xD.


Welcome to Hive!

My friend @gr33nm4ster has talked to me about your project. I haven't started playing Axie yet, for some reasons. I had the opportunity to receive a scholarship but I was too busy at the moment and I want to but my own Axies so I can play at my own rythm.

I'm very active in Hive and I play Splinterlands and Rising Star, I'm also part of the 3speak team and I run the @aliento community/project. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Looking forward for your posts!

Thanks a lot for your support!! gr33nmaster is the best

Gaming is common ground to know many people who are in the same bandwagon. Thanks for sharing your gaming experience and welcome to Hive mate.

Welcome to Hive DB3FI it's great to see you finally making your first publication.

I think OCE is growing by leaps and bounds and it was necessary to enter the Hive network where you will not only find a space for you but for your community.

I am very excited to read your letters and happy to belong to the OCE Fam as we call ourselves.

Happy arrival to your new home my amigo. !LUV

Ty My friend!

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Welcome to Axie Buzz!

Thrilled to have you here and can't wait to see what you've got in store for us.

Welcome to the blocks mate, glad to have you around!!

If there's anything you need feel free to DM me (on Twitter).