in Axie Buzz3 years ago


Strategies in Axie Infinity that might help you to win!

So here I will be discussing the strategies that I noticed or tried for the past four months of playing axie infinity. Note that some of this may only work for a certain type of team.


  • I learned this strategy from one of the content creators of Axie Infinity on Tiktok and also noticed to most of my opponents who got really tough axie pets to kill. He explained that he usually doesn't attack the first three rounds. How? He doesn't actually click the skip turn button, he just waits for the timer to go off. In that way, his opponent will think that he lost his internet or kind of internet lagging. Then on the fourth or third round, he will go full blast (or honestly, depends on the cards that you have). It's actually good because you saved energy and cards. This is recommended to AAP teams as what he said and also as what I noticed in most of the AAP teams that I've encountered. Just to share my experience coz I tried this strategy although I know it is somehow a risk, I've won 5 times in a row but that's when I am battling in a lower MMR.


  • Okay as a BBP user (Bird, Beast, Plant, take note that my Bird got Dark Swoop) this is so helpful when the luck of cards is on your side. Usually, what I will do if my opponent is also a BBP user, I will put Dark Swoop (coz usually axie Birds are positioned at the back) and two damage cards. Birds have small HP (312 HP) thus putting them in the last stand state. But I recommend adding one more damage card (Dark swoop and three damage cards) for sure kill coz some of them got 342 HP or depends on how big your damage cards have. If they have Aqua and it's positioned at the front, three damage cards of Bird would put it on last stand state as long as it has no shield. If Plant is their front shield and I have good cards on my Beast, for example, double Single Combat and any other damage cards, their Plant will go on last stand state as long as it has no shield or low shield. Attacking early will also be your advantage since some of the players like to steal or destroy your energy on the first round or just skip a turn.


  • I don't think this strategy would work for every team but I always run into this kind of strategy and personally, I also tried this. You just attack. You don't save energies but you will just literally attack any damage cards that you have. Most of this kind of strategy is those with Aqua and Dusk/Reptile axie pets because they have a lot of cards to draw. As for me, Bird and Beast is a draw-reliant axie so I need to use my damage cards wisely. This is recommended if you're facing a team comp with a lot of stealing energies or destroying energies (this kind of team annoys me to the core lol)


  • This is kind of similar to No Internet Strategy but this is recommended to those with Reptile axie or Terminator axie (stun abilities, speed reduction skill, and armor). To be honest with you, my team comp is always on a 50% chance of winning when facing a Terminator. Plus the fact that their kind is superior to Bird so every time I face them I always have to make sure that both of my Beast and Bird are alive. Although Beast is superior to their kind and in some cases, faster than them, due to their speed reduction, they always at the advantage of attacking first. So this strategy requires you to save energy. If you positioned your Termi at the back and you're sure that your mid axie will die in the next round then better sacrifice your mid axie and save energies for your Termi. Every team I encountered with Termi always does this strategy. They also have zero cost card that helps their stun attack card to put in effect. They also have sticky goo (THE MOST ANNOYING CARD in my opinion lol) that will stun your next attack once you break its shield. I personally think that Termi could pull the 1 vs 3 clutches with enough energies and good use of cards (of course depends on what team they are facing) coz Bug, Beast, and Mech are superior to them.


  • I'm sure most of you already ran to this kind of comp. Plant with poisonous tail, mid with poisonous tail and back, and backdoor with the same comp of mid or one of it. If you have this kind of comp then better use the cards wisely. WISELY! Why? Because cards like removing the buffs or switching the buffs back to you exist. Well in my case my plant is always the last one standing because most of this team got special traits like jumping to your backdoor or straight up attacking your mid axie. Then the only axie that you'll need to worry about is the Plant which you just have to think about wisely coz some of the Plant axies have one or two healing cards and remove buffs. If you came to Bloodmoon curse round then be wary because Plants will most likely just use healing cards. If they don't have cards to remove buffs then just put poison on them continuously and when you have enough damage cards and energies use it go full blast on them. Remember that poison will take effect first than their healing cards and mind the reduction of HP every round of Bloodmoon curse.

NOTE: These strategies mentioned may not work or work so use them at your own risk! Additional to this, these are just general strategies for the whole gameplay, I try to make another post for the strategies of specific axies. So far, I have experience playing RBP and BBP for now.

These are the only strategies that I noticed and some of them, I personally use depend on the draw of cards. If I come up with other strategies I would gladly make another article about them. What about you? What kind of strategies do you mostly use?


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Good read!! Thank you for this!