LKP's Axie Log #46:Of Blues and Purples || Finally reached 2 000+ MMR after 4 months

in Axie Buzz3 years ago


Hello there axie pips!

The weather is chilly these days. I had a pretty tough time just a while ago because of how sleep conducive it is. Although we don't have winter here it's the time of the year when you just want to lay on your bed for the whole day. There's also a typhoon. It's far away but it still brought some really heavy rain. The combination makes a snorlax paradise. Ahem. That's actually what I did yesterday until I woke up at 5:45 a.m. thinking I missed something. Aha! I didn't play Axie Infinity. Although it's not very profitable right now it's still definitely regrettable if you missed a day (from an investors point of view). The problem was that the server resets at 8:00 a.m. PH time so I have barely 2 hours to get it done. Sad thing is that I've wasted 3 energy on adventure mode. I know you would agree...2 hours wasn't just enough right?

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A win away from 2100 !?

But wait there's more. It looked like the adrenaline kicked in positively as we did something incredible. It's a blessing in disguise as we have reached 2k MMR! It's been more than 4 months since we started playing and this is the first time we reached this bracket. Heck! We almost made it to 2100 MMR. Although another factor was that we just encountered lots of double anemone-birds which is a very favorable match up for us. If you watched the last logs you'd see that we can literally 1 v 3 them and win as long as we got enough cards and energy. Anyways, we're still sorting the battles for today so we would be sharing 2 battles from the other day. I think these ones are bizarre and interesting at the same time. Let's see how it went.

Of Blues [Against a Triple Dusks]

I think that the nerf for Overgrown Keratin + Bone Sail is just fair. To be honest, with Nimo it was undeniably one of the most annoying mid or back liner to deal with in the past. Although what we faced was a tank it would be a pain if we let it stay for a few more rounds. We were lucky to take down this thing early. Although Hot butt dusk in the mid was also troublesome because of the disable for the mouth cards, we still got great defenses in our mid to sustain that damage.

That was good call on our side to put that shield in round 4. At least we managed to minimize the damage. Passing was not an option because if they got another stun it's pretty much over. Their backline got the Donut which would put our reptile in tight spot in 1 v1. They played lots of reptile cards. They were forcing a 2 v1 but we didn't want that. They got lots of disable and the damage from the backline Donut was a real threat. We managed to last stand because of the shield we played earlier but we were stunned. Luck was still on our side as we got Axie Kiss. Thankfully they didn't have any slow. Our aqua died but so was their mid. With that crit and the number of cards they spent previously I doubted they still have the capabilities to defend.

It's now a 1 v1. They'd used double Donut which was really painful but since we got catapult the long range nut worked against them, not to mention the crit. That wasa fantastic last draw if we got another Kotaro instead we got no choice but to play only 3 cards instead of 4 because of the disable. GG.

Of Purples [Against Triple Reptles]

Wow! This triple reptile team is a true nemesis for double aqua users. With all of them having YSS for mouth cards they can pretty much heal lots so our strategy was not to let them capitalize on that. Also both their front and mid got Tri Spike so we tried getting as much juice from our plant as early as possible.

After both passing in round 1 we had an early brutal exchange in round 2. It seemed like they wanted to open the mid early but we defended our plant quite well albeit that Serious was a sort of wasted move as we didn't gain energy from them. We still got an energy advantage in round 3 though 'cause of Nimo. Thank God we had that Pumpkin to sustain that 2 energy attack and demolished their reptile by Cactus. We had no option next round but to pass.

That one Serious just healed the damage we inflicted. We should had just passed again. It was a 2 v 1 in their favor but that disarm would work for us in the later rounds. It might slow us but that also meat that Kotaro's energy gain would trigger. Pairing Double Catapult with Tiny Dino was a good idea to take down their mid. It's now a 1 v1. Both us have zero energy but they got zero cost card. Anyway, the only bothersome card they got for their backline is that Indian Star. We passed because we knew that only got 2 energy. We were waiting for them to use disarm and indian star. They did play 4 cards and we were slowed. We were undefended so that still took half of our health. We then played 2x Kotaro + 2x Catapult. We did Catapult to minimize their reflect as much as possible. Also it's a good option because it got 50 shield which is decent. The last round would be a problem if they used 2 Indian Star because we only drew one Catapult. I think the reflect would make it a draw in case they put two. Anyways we won the battle thanks to them only having two energy for most rounds in the late game. Kotaro really works wonders sometimes.

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And that is all.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
See you soon!