Bye, BBP. Hello, DBP!

in Axie Buzz3 years ago

I've been playing Axie Infinity for over a month now and to be honest, it was a total disaster on my side. While the others are enjoying the arena, I, on the other hand, was no longer happy about it. I even DM our coach and asked him to rehome or give the Axies to the right person as I don't think I could be an asset to the guild. At that time, I was below 800 MMR.


For the sake of others, if your MMR is below 800, you won't receive SLP on the arena. There has been an update as well that it would also be applied on adventures.

So as a player whose MMR was below 800, I felt like it was the end of my Axie career. I still did try my best, though. From under 800 to 900 to even reached 1000. But that achievement didn't even last for a day coz after I played on the arena, I got lose streaks and went under 800 again.

Previous BBP team

The struggles continue as coach Nazko announced that they would have to kick out those who didn't perform well. For BBP team players, news like this only put so much pressure on us. Luckily, whenever I play and do a live stream, my co-scholars are always there to help me. They serve us, my coaches, too. So from 800, I managed to bounce again to 1000 but went down again.

Yes, my MMR was like a roller-coaster. Up and down. And when it comes to ranking up, it takes me ages to do that but when ranking down, it takes just a snap.

I kept doing my thing and grinding to survive. Then our coach announced that he would replace my Bird with something better. The waiting was over when he finally announced that he would replace our Birds. Just recently, on October 25, he gave me Dusk. Not just an ordinary Dusk but a terminator one.


So last night, I learned that my new Axie is Dusk and not Aqua. I thought it was Aqua because of its color blue, but he corrected me and told me it was a Dusk.

Dusk combo:

  • Sticky goo + Mystic Rush + Allergic Reaction + Chomp

  • Sticky goo + 2 Allergic Reactions + Chomp

  • Sticky goo + 2 Chomps + Allergic Reaction

When it was time for me to grind, my friends, including 2 scholars were there to support me and coach me. Well, guess what? I am in love with my Dusk now. It gives me a winning streak since I used it. It's a perfect addition to my Beast-Plant team. From 740 MMR, we managed to rank up to 1005.


We spent a few hours grinding and so far, my losses have cut off 90%. Yes, there were few losses but the wins, though, were something I didn't expect. After reaching 1000 MMR, I had to grind my Axie to Ruin 19 just to level my Dusk. Thankfully I did, now it's already level 5 and in no time, I'll reach level 22 soon.

I also played 5 on arena today and got 3 wins and 2 losses. I had to stop cause I don't want to waste more energy. I'll just play later tonight so my friends can still guide me until I am fully confident to do it on my own.


Shout out

I want to thank coach Nazko for always supporting me and for not letting me go. Despite being the weakest among the Brigade Zeus (means first 10 scholars), he never questioned me why I was slow in progress. He never disrespected me or pressured me to reach 1000 real soon. He was there and always willing to coach me and the others. He even gave me a Dusk Termi, which is a pricey one. So to coach Nazko, if you ever happen to read this, THANK YOU for everything.

Also, to my fellow scholars. At first, I thought they were only good at flexing their MMR but when I did several live streams, they were also the ones who cheered me up and guided me. They gave me hope and confidence too. So thank you, fellow scholars!

Special mention to my fellow scholars and friends last night. To LOL aka Meo, my former colleague, Jersy aka Jerson, my super buddy also a former colleague, Shiilou, my new friend from Luzon, Mega, and the others, for always cheering me up and supporting me even during my struggles, THANK YOU!


Closing thoughts

Now that I have a better team, my new goal is to learn more and more about every gameplay until I got the hang of them. Until playing is no longer feels scary to me. Lol. Till I can finally play on my own.

And I hope, I can reach 1.1K - 1.2k tonight so I could easily earn more SLP soon. More SLP also means more BCH in the future.

To my fellow BBP scholars, who are still struggling right now, just don't give up. Coach Nazko knows our struggle, and he's always willing to lend a hand. Also, don't be like me who prefers to hide instead of just asking for help from fellow scholars. There are so many good scholars in our guild, who are willing to coach you. All you need is just to ask.