Had to Take A Little Break - The Hustle Continues

in Axie Buzz3 years ago

I had to take a little break from crypto as I started doing crazy and irrational shit. You know that feeling when you're close to reaching your goal but somethings constantly pushing you back? Well that happened to me multiple times in the last few months, so I had to take some time off and reflect on what I've been doing all this time. It's worth noting that I'm the one responsible for every step back I've encountered, because I'm an ape.

So annoying, I guess I lost my patience and greed took me over. The hardest thing to handle is greed and those who managed to overcome it will end up being the most successful ones. Fucking discipline, something I've been lacking off all my life hahaha.

Need to work on myself more I guess.

Never mind though, I'm back.

Axie Infinity

Let's talk #Axie a bit.

I've seen a few tweets written by Jiho and judging by the comment section, a lot of community members feels disappointed and triggered by the price of the #SLP. Especially because other projects such as #ThetanArena and #Pega, are prospering whilst AXS stagnates. The lack of hype is what worries the majority.

It was expected the new games will overtake a certain percentage of the market share, especially because #AXS is a bit boring to play. Sure, at one point it was the only game that had a decent game mechanics but it came naturally that other devs would see their chance and go for it. I spoke about it multiple times.

What I'm triggered by is the ignorance by the sky Mavis team. Remember when they said something along the lines "let them build different games, it'll use us as a testing ground".

Well boyz, seems like you didn't expect that people won't stay here forever simply because you pioneered the idea. People move on quickly, especially when there's different incentives to do so.

What I think they should do is to build a new game that uses #SLP as a utility token. This way people will gain additional trust and the token might have more chance to get back where it was. The fact that they had billions and did nothing tangible speaks for itself. The market is a dynamic system, sitting at one place will get em nowhere - obviously.

That's the part it seems they don't understand properly. Or they simply don't care.

Staying hungry after success is a hard thing to obtain. Most rich men would agree with me.

What u do when you have everything?

You either build or you get stomped.

I'm afraid there's no in between.

However, I think it's not over yet, the hype will be back if there's enough people trusting the journey. That's why I love #Hive Tho. There's no stopping, there's no reliance on one party, we're all responsible for the growth. It makes it easier for us to grind as a group of people, rather than waiting for someone else to fix what's broken.

Good times ahead lads.