What's BUZZing in Lunacia? Axie Infinity News Report #2

in Axie Buzz4 years ago (edited)



No matter where you live on Earth, WELCOME! Though it has only been a week since the previous report, a lot of events has popped up which sped up the release of this article. If you have not yet read the previous one, go check it out in this link. It has been a very jam packed week in the realms of Lunacia. Axie Infinity has been put in the spotlight once again! But you might feel clueless about these events. So we have decided to collate all the juiciest, meatiest, and most controversial news from announcements as well as tweets from the developers of Axie Infinity.

Good day! Good evening!

Dappradar: Axie Infinity Number One?

In a recent article by Dappradar, the game Axie Infinity has been highlighted and considered as the most valuable NFT collection with a value of almost $1.7 Billion. According to the article, the game has overtaken other well-known decentralized apps such as Uniswap and even entire blockchains! The game can therefore be considered as the leading frontier when it comes to Play-to-Earn. At the same time, this has promoted the utility of NFTs which were often regarded to as scams.

Aside from highlighting the accomplishments of the game, the article has also noted that the earnings of an average player is even higher than Philippines’ GDP per capita by up to 350$. Not surprisingly, the governing bodies in the country have started to take notice of this. In a previous report article we have written, we have discussed about the recent announcement concerning taxes. Sky Mavis has then made it clear that they hope for players and managers alike to follow the rules of the government of the countries where players reside.

But how does this news affect us?

Well for starters, blockchain is gaining mass adoption. This process will take plenty of time to achieve since the mindset of people when it comes to the value ($) of things is very restricted to say the least. Moreover, this can only be achieved by making crypto, blockchain, and NFT's, more accessible to a newer audience without technical knowledge about blockchain technologies. Games such as Axie Infinity make it easier to understand and adapt the said technology to our everyday lives. By making blockchain technologies easier to understand, it helps set a firm foundation in the mindset of everyone that blockchain has lots of untapped potential. But for now, we can only do our part by helping to spread the word about it.

Axie Infinity the Worldwide Phenomenon

Axie Infinity is spreading worldwide and the recent tweet of Jihoz made it even more obvious.

A great milestone has been achieved by the game as every single country in the world has at least a single Axie player. Based on the image in his tweet, we can also clearly see that the Philippines have been very receptive of the game. Jihoz has also noted that there is even a player in Africa. But everything is just starting. Soon enough the image of the player base heat map will get darker and darker. This means more players!

Which means that our cute little Axies will raise in value which is directly proportional to the increase of $SLP and other possible game resources we will earn in the future. So be sure to put on your seatbelt because Axie Infinity will surely shoot to the moon! If you have not yet started your Axie Infinity journey, you could also apply as a scholar here in Axie Buzz!

September Development Updates: Faster Please!


Another month has passed since the economic “balancing”. The developers have updated everyone once again on what they have been brewing this September 2021. Here is the summary of the said update:

  • Axie Infinity generated the highest revenue among all the decentralized Applications(dApps) in the entire crypto ecosystem this past month. The game has generated $300 Million which will be stored in the community treasury. That is a lot of money! Furthermore the treasury will be handled by all AXS Holders!
  • The daily average players has grown by up to 87% in August! Though the number has slowed down compared to the previous 173% growth, we cannot discount the staggering amount of players which has been on-boarded into Axie Infinity.
  • Battles V2 or Axie Infinity: Origins is still in development but will soon be tested in a demo. The newer version of the game will introduce the tried and tested adventure (PvE) and arena (PvP) as well as newer mechanics and art. Aside from this, the game designers are working on Axie body parts and skills!
  • A new game designer has been added to the Land gameplay team. The team is currently focused on crafting, structures and resources. But at the same time, it is introduced that the game will also have mini-games and newer gameplay for army and territory battles.
  • Last but not least, we have another news on Ronin and its Dex. The design for Ronin Dex has been completed. A lot of coding will ensue in the coming months but now we can be assured that it will arrive soon. The contract for AXS staking is being audited so it might arrive sooner than expected. And finally, the website for the marketplace has been made even more user-friendly by adding the “products page” and “on-boarding guide”.

Yield Guild Open: Bad Start, Surprising End

ygg open.jpg

Over 64 teams have battled it out to claim the top spot for one of the biggest Esports competition for Axie Infinity, the Yield Guild Open. With over $35,000 prize pool, it is no wonder that the initial 32 teams were doubled to cater the massive number of players who wish to join. Unfortunately, though the number of slots may have been doubled, a lot of players and teams were unable to join the said tournament. At the same time, there have been several issues that have popped up during the event such as not being whitelisted in the Esports server as well. Aside from this, there has been a major server issue which caused some big teams to withdraw from the tournament resulting in disappointment from their fans across the globe.

Fortunately, the event was continued which crowned a dark horse among all competitors. The team that won the championship was “Happy Academy”. Surprisingly, the guild was composed of like-minded scholars who created the group for fun. A big CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!

Each member of the Happy Academy team takes home around 3500$ worth of prize and the glory as the winner of the said event.

Link.To learn a more in-depth review of the event go check out an article written by @randombrute in this

Elijah’s Axie PVP Master Course Now Online

Big news to all aspiring rankers!

One of the best players in Axie Infinity has started an online lesson on his website. Dubbed as the “Axie PVP Mastery Course”, the said online lesson has garnered a large number of students. At the price of 200$ with a 50% discount this week, there has been a lot of positive feedback from players of different rankings. Elijah of the Crit Theory Gaming (CTG) is one of the most popular Axie Infinity players streaming on YouTube. So if you have no extra cash to join his “Axie PVP Mastery Course”, you will still learn a lot about the game from his FREE videos in his YouTube channel “Axie on the Moon”.

However, we're sure that his paid course contains the very essence and secrets of his big success in Axie Infinity. So do check it out!

A Little Peek into Loot Magazine

It seems that the Create-to-Earn movement has spread in the Axie metaverse!

Though we have created our own in $HIVE, it is no secret that the LOOT Magazine is now creating its own brand! This magazine will showcase articles about popular personalities in Axie metaverse but also submissions of Axie Infinity players. Loot Magazine will be minted as an NFT so be sure to check them out as well!

The magazine is still under wraps for now but we are honestly in the dark about its details.

We have asked ourselves what is it’s relation to $LOOT NFT as well as its connection with Loot Squad. $LOOT NFT has been a massive success in the ethereum blockchain despite its approach of using people’s imagination to create value from words listed in the NFT. This has perplexed us in establishing the link to Loot Magazine. As compared to this, we can clearly see that Loot Magazine might have a direct connection with Loot Squad. The leader of the group, Brycent has once made a tweet regarding this.

Aside from this tweet, there has been more recent tweets from Loot Magazine showcasing some Sample Cover for their magazine. Only one word can express our feelings when we saw this, “AWESOME!”.

Well there you have it!

We hope that you have enjoyed yet another report of WHAT’S BUZZING IN LUNACIA! We are now saying goodbye for the meantime as we collect more news on the latest events in Lunacia. Though we may have said that this 2nd report will arrive after 2 weeks, Axie Infinity is ever-growing at a rapid pace. So be sure to stay tuned for our next update!

Keep Calm and Keep on BUZZING!


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There is so much more this game have created which is just incredible. From changing people's life to creating more and more opportunities for those who are willing to do hardwork and smartwork.

Big things ahead for Axie Infinity, that's for sure!

Very good congratulations for you