Welcome to 26th Axie Buzz curation report!

We asked for more content. You delivered! New blood has joined us, further strengthening our numbers to 690 strong! But this is just the start! For now, we will highlight some of the best, most informative, and interesting, original posts our community members have published so far.
We've really enjoyed their content and we hope that you will like it too.
We also hope that our content creators keep on buzzing because Axie Buzz is the only place in the entire metaverse where they get the chance to monetize their Axie-themed content!
Be sure to make ORIGINAL posts and be YOURSELF. Be creative, don’t be shy to unleash the BUZZ!

It's been more than a week since I did some update here. And yeah, same reasons m'lords and m'lady, college life really drains out most of my time. I already thought at first that this phase of education is damn hard but I didn't expect that it would be "this" hard.

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@grenfunkel | MMR Going Down?! Need to Adapt! Axie Infinity |
Axie Infinity these past months has focused on Arena more than ever. Since SLP earning in Adventure was halved, a lot of casual players has sold their Axies to find other investments. This has shaken off some weaker players

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@dope.homosapien | Start of my Journey: My first Axie Fanart Contest and a little bit of Introduction |
A pleasant day to you all! Newbie here. I just wanna share to you guys my first Axie fanart contest of Cryptic Axie Guild and the story on how I end engaging in Axie community as well as here in this lovely platform, HIVE.
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Lot's of things happened in today's #AxieInfinity #Arena session so you don't wanna miss this episode. I played 11 games and had a ton of fun playing at 1500+ MMR even though I only won 5 of 'em (1 draw). All games were dope and the 1st game I played might actually be the best game I've played since I got involved with Axie Infinity. Why you may ask?

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@lordkingpotato | LKP's Axie Log #31: Samurais and Suicides |
It's been a while since we have an update in our axie log. We reached 1800 MMR earlier this week but fall back to late 1600's. Currently, we are still struggling somewhere around the late 1500 - 1700. For this week the win rate is around 45-55% which is very normal for us. Still, it's good that we are still earning around 12-15 SLP each win.
Through Axie Buzz, we hope that we continue to collectively improve and grow stronger together while always rewarding the best contributions made by our community members! So, what are you waiting for? Hop on your keyboard and start typing away! We can't wait to see your publications shine in Axie Buzz!
Also feel free to join our Discord server and make some noise (or you can just say "Hello" nicely as well, we will not mind)!
If you are still reading this last part, then it means you really love this community! We love you too! Let's build this community together and aim for the moon! Let's Go!
Thanks for the support!
Tip sent bcoz you're a good Twitter promoter. Keep doing a good job!
Hello friend, could you invite me to the community discord?
Hello friend, pass me the invitation of the discord group, the one that is set in the rules, tells me that it has expired, greetings, thanks.