Welcome to 22nd Axie Buzz curation report!

We asked for more content. You delivered! New blood has joined us, further strengthening our numbers to 541 strong! But this is just the start! For now, we will highlight some of the best, most informative, and interesting, original posts our community members have published so far.
We've really enjoyed their content and we hope that you will like it too.
We also hope that our content creators keep on buzzing because Axie Buzz is the only place in the entire metaverse where they get the chance to monetize their Axie-themed content!
Be sure to make ORIGINAL posts and be YOURSELF. Be creative, don’t be shy to unleash the BUZZ!

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@calamares | Papa Buzz Fan Art |
Amazing fan art by Calamares depicting Axie Buzz founder as he notices spammers entering the comment section/Discord server.

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Losing is a very depressing matter. There are lots of forms of losing. It can be as simple as losing an object due to carelessness. Or it can be as harsh as losing a loved ones from the pandemic. But there are differences in these two types of example. One is temporary therefore it can be replaced while the other is priceless and precious.

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@lordkingpotato | LKP's Axie Log #18: Of Bugs and Beasts |
Today we're up against something strong. One match we had was against a double bug line up, both with 'Cute Bunny' and 'Grub Surprise'. So, maybe you now have an idea of how tedious it is to do battle this kind of opponent. 'Fear' might be one of the most irritating status effect to have in the current meta.
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@manokrios | Axie Buzz Andromeda 5B-01 + Fan Fiction |
Buzzup Bees! It's been a few days since I posted something here in Hive. I was kinda busy with all the preparations I'm making for the incoming school days as well as with the Axie Infinity training I'm currently into under @axiebuzz which is why I haven't got the chance to update anything here. Good thing that I still get to insert partial time to make some art.

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In my whole career as A digital artist, never have I received a commissioned work, until now. In this article, I'm going to share to you briefly my first ever commission, how I got it, and why my first ever client chose me.

Once upon a time a fairytale land.
There lives a man gifted with a creative hand.
He happened to have friends who possess infinite wisdom.
They will create an economy and build a kingdom.
Through Axie Buzz, we hope that we continue to collectively improve and grow stronger together while always rewarding the best contributions made by our community members! So, what are you waiting for? Hop on your keyboard and start typing away! We can't wait to see your publications shine in Axie Buzz!
Also feel free to join our Discord server and make some noise (or you can just say "Hello" nicely as well, we will not mind)!
If you are still reading this last part, then it means you really love this community! We love you too! Let's build this community together and aim for the moon! Let's Go!
We have chosen to support your post because you are one of the good promoters of Hive on Twitter based on our Hive Twitter Daily Report.
We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for promoting Hive!
Look my post of axie pls