My Journey In Axie Infinity [Regrets]

in Axie Buzz3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @Laurenceuuu

It was November 24, 2021 when I invested and bought my team in Axie Infinity.


I had a hard time to decide if I should invest on this trend and NFT game to the point that I needed to think for 3 days. In this span of time, I did my research, get information from the internet and YouTube, asked my friends about their opinion and thoughts…finally, I decided to buy AAP Team.

I did not buy my team in the marketplace, I found a real seller of Axies and decided to buy at him, luckily, he is not a scammer. I bought my team for $900. There are three people who I consulted, @bmjc98 @charmingcherry08 and @Nhelvimi before buying my team. They are also the only users that I think knows that I invested on Axie. I did not tell my story since the beginning because I do not know how the community will react. Knowing that I am busy on school, it was the reason why I did not write and chose three people to consult.

However, something bad happened to my Axie and I cannot play them anymore...with a huge loss…I will tell the reason in the next blog. So please, do not ask why, I will post about it. This blog is for just an introduction and story of my Axie Infinity journey.

I played the game for one week, I started at November 24 and stopped at December 3, 2021. I planned to record my weekly earnings to estimate my return of investment but everything was ruined…fate did not cooperate to my plan. In total, I only earned 399 SLP after 1 week of playing. You might be wondering why I had few earnings, here is the reason.
I even made a timeline to monitor my progress and track my investment
As a newbie in the game, I had a hard time to use my team. I think everyone will have the same experience if it is their first time. Although, I had my research and watched AAP tutorial strategy on YouTube, it is still difficult. Thankfully, @bmjc98 is generous, she helped me to manage my team. From positioning, the sequence of cards, and use of energy. We had 1v1 games just to coach me. Thanks to her, I experience win streak in the arena.

She said do the PAA positioning where my Plant Axie is the backliner since it has Healing Aroma ability which is good if you reach Round 10 where it has Bloodmoon curse, it is also the recommended position of @charmingcherry08.

I am winning in Arena but still losing the game…it is inevitable. I always lose the game to the point that I reached 598 MMR. It is worst, right? On their last update, players that has below 800 MMR will not earn SLP anymore and it is the reason why I only had 399 SLP. In 1 week of playing, I had two days in a row without earning because I needed to grind in Arena to have high MMR. Thankfully, I reached 800 MMR after 2 days.

I also manage to reach 1000 MMR after getting the PAA strategy… I only earn in adventure mode which is kinda boring for a player. Even though you already secured 50 SLP per day, it is still better to play in Arena mode with high MMR to earn higher than Adventure.

I had a lot of plan in my Axie, sadly, there is a heartbreaking moment happened and I can’t really move on. I just wasted my money for being a fool. I planned to breed an Axie when I got my initial investment and offer scholarship since my Axies were all virgin.

I had a good experience in the game, I enjoyed it yet stressed every time that I am in lose streak. I think AAP team is for beginners and for low rank players…or maybe it depends on the player. There are few things to consider when you are going to play this game; 1. Position of your axie, 2. The strength and weakness of your axie, 3. The sequence of your cards, 4. Learn to compute the energy of your opponent. 5. Be wise!

@savvyplayer here's my journey in Axie Infinity. There's a second part and I will tell how I got scammed.

Note: The people that I mentioned are users from


Please don't use the #spt or #splinterlands tag for non-Splinterlands content. In your case, you posted directly from the frontend (or used the HIVE-community for Splinterlands). Axie is not Splinterlands. You can use the #oneup tag instead, which is specialized on blockchain gaming, including Axie.

Oh okay, sorry. But I think I never mentioned Splinterlands neither tag it😅

When I was a newbie, those were my MMR too. Don't worry, I know that you can do it. Good luck!

Actually I lost my team. Do you still have your team?

I have been playing since July 2020 and I am still playing it until today. Even though slp has downgraded, I am still playing axie because of my love of the game. 😅

Scholarship or you have your own team?

It is only a scholarship, but it helped me a lot in terms of education.

Wow cool! Where do you live by the way? Also, how much proportion do you get?

I had my own Axie team, I bought them last November 24 but got scammed after 1 week. Too sad, I don't even got my investment back...even the 50% of it.

I live in Manila, Philippines. I am getting 50% every payout.

Are you planning on buying again? especially this time of the year because the market price has now lowered.