Saxon's Survival Hour #208: HOW NOT TO SURVIVE

Today's excerpt comes from this link .

by Kurt Saxon 1981

Six years ago when I began THE SURVIVOR there were only vague glimmerings of the worldwide disasters confronting mankind.
As a historian, I could match the causes and effects which led to the downfall of past civilizations with the same degenerative influences dooming our own civilizations.

In the meantime, more and more people have at least awakened to the fact that the world is in terrible trouble.
For the most part, however, they entertain themselves with the belief that wisdom will prevail; a leader is somewhere out there; the enemy will be exposed and destroyed, etc..
All such is merely wishful thinking.
It is arrogance verging on paranoia to believe that our generation is somehow favored over, or superior to, peoples destroyed by the same causes throughout history.

Too many people, even survivalists, are unable to accept the end of world civilization.
They mistake it for the end of the world, period.

The fall of Atlantis was the end of the last world civilization.
It was such a shattering experience, and so complete that even most scholars consider Atlantis a myth.
Yet it didn't mark the end of the world.
Its totality lay in the fact that it was linked to, and interdependent with, all the other cultures on Earth, as in our present world civilization.

There were survivors of the fall of Ur of the Chaldees, Babylon, Greece and Egypt.
But to the majority of their inhabitants it was indeed the end of the world.

Almost like Atlantis, the Roman Empire had spread a web of interdependence throughout Europe.
Its fall was followed by hundreds of years of ignorance, misery, despotism, inquisition and degradation known as the Dark Ages.
But it wasn't the end of the world.

From 1348 to 1361 the Black Death engulfed Europe.
One half of the British died while the rest of Europe suffered a loss of one fourth of its population.
The plague ravaged the cities, for the most part, taking away the lower classes and leaving the aristocracy and the peasantry relatively safe.

Boccaccio's DECAMERON is a collection of stories supposedly told to each other by a group of affluent and intelligent Florentines.
During the plague they left the stricken Florence for the countryside and partied and told witty stories until the worst was over.

It wasn't the end of their world.
When the plague died out they went back.
Since the working class was decimated the survivors had to set about replacing hands with machines.
Technology and science bloomed and the period was called "The
Renaissance" or rebirth.

So accept the end of world civilization with hope that you won't necessarily go with it.
Having done this, you can see the absurdity of the following stopgap measures to survive a temporary calamity.

Investing in intangibles: Gold, silver, diamonds, antiques,
paintings, etc. are dependent for their value on desire, not need.
When need is the uppermost consideration, desire is simply a
frivolous emotion.
In order to exchange your intangibles for your needs you will have to wait until surplusses are built up.
In the meantime, say you approach a farmer and offer him a $600 Krugerrand for its value in chickens.
If you're lucky he may offer you a $600 chicken.

Bugout vehicles: I'm amused by the fantasies of urban types who stock a camper with everything one could possibly need to survive.
When it hits the fan they will leave just before the rioting gets too fierce or the mushroom cloud hovers directly overhead.

Roads blocked by fuelless and/or wrecked vehicles will doom most bugouters.
Bandits will account for many who make it past the congestion.

People in the rural areas, threatened by mobs of refugees, will shoot at anyone who doesn't keep moving.
You can't carry enough gas to keep moving.

It will take weeks, maybe months, for rurals to run out of supplies in their villages and towns.
Turning away strangers as a matter of course, there is little chance that you'd be allowed to settle among them before your own supplies ran out, regardless of what you had to barter.

Best to pack a U-Haul and move to the Ozarks now.

Fallout shelters: These are for urban areas.
Business executives locked into the establishment figure they can submerge before the fallout chokes them.
After a couple of weeks they seem to expect to come out to some kind of brave new world, go back to their desks and carry on as usual.

When the cities go, those trapped in shelters will share the fate of those without shelters.
A chance for a couple of weeks of life is not worth the expense.

In the fifties shelters would have been practical in the event of a nuclear war.
But in the eighties the devastation will be so much greater that rebuilding on nuclear ruins will be unthinkable for years.

Outside the major cities a shelter might be nice and a real protection against the worst of the fallout.
Even so, it would be with us for months, if not years.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki have proven the fallacy of mutations and obliteration by radiation sickness, sterilization and cancer years later.
But the majority will survive without shelters, unless all life is destroyed.

Arsenals: I love guns, but I have only enough for myself.
I won't have to arm my neighbors because I've never met anyone here
who isn't well armed.

I have a complete reloading setup, accommodating every rifle, shotgun size and pistol of the common variety.
Forget the exotic stuff.
I'm prepared to reload for the community.
That's all that's needed.

Yet I read of gun nuts buying everything that will shoot as if guns were all that mattered.
They must think the shooting will go on and on for years.

Maybe they're right if they get trapped between the big cities and the well defended rural areas.
In that case the gun nuts would become precisely what they fancy they are arming against.

So unless you're a gunsmith or an honest collector, you have no reason to collect guns just for the sake of having them.
Best to spend your money on more useful items.

Of course, you should have a good shotgun, rifle and pistol.
You ought to get a copy of Mel Tappan's book, SURVIVAL GUNS and choose the best guns you can afford and in the variety which will suit your actual needs.
But to consider an arsenal more important than long-term survival tools is juvenile.

Fighting Communism: With actual Marxist Communism on the wane, the money and effort expended in fighting that silly ideology is a waste.
Of course the term "Communism" is becoming increasingly replaced by "Bildebergers", "Trilateralism", etc. which is supposedly the same thing.
It seems that everything is part of a huge plot.
Belief in such a plot is commonly known as "The Conspiracy Theory".

Communists, Bildebergers, Trilateralists and perhaps a dozen other vague groups are being given credit for just about everything wrong on our planet.
If a culprit could be found, identified, fought and thereby stopped, the whole "fight" would be reasonable.
But this nonsense has been going on for years with nothing to show for all the exposures by all the "patriots" we have left.

When Rome was surrounded by barbarians and wracked with rioting by proletarians and freed slaves the righteous citizens wasted valuable time following up their own conspiracy theories.
Rome fell without any of the "conspirators" being bothered.

The point is that degeneration doesn't need any particular label and labeling it only gives false hope that a label is somehow like a target one can shoot at.
This is a false comfort since the target itself is false.

Political and international manipulation of the world's inferiors should be ignored at this time.
The better prepared you are to handle your own problems, the better able you will be to deal with the vermin when the collapse comes.
In the meantime, don't jeopardize your efforts toward survival by getting upset over what a pack of doomed parasitical predators are up to.

REVOLT AGAINST CIVILIZATION, by Lothrop Stoddard, is being serialized in this volume.
It shows how communists are simply intelligent but warped losers stirring up feeble minded losers against their betters.

As far as I'm concerned, the losers have taken the world's cities and destroyed its economies.
Let them have the cities.
Most of them will die there.

The only way to fight losers is by abortion and sterilization.
Waiting for them to arm themselves and then trying to combat them is a bit late.
Since it's too late anyway, give them this round.
Move from the cities and let them rot.
After the worst is over we survivalists can destroy what's left of them at our leisure.

kurt pic.png

Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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Saxon seems a reasonable guy. I took his advice long before he gave it.


That is the test of good advice, it's just as good today as it will be tomorrow.
He certainly had caught on to how to play the game of life.
Publicly, at least.
Privately, his house made me think of the people under the stairs.

Never saw that movie (I don't see many without spaceships) so I took a quick look. That place looked gorgeous. Loved the kitchen oven. The trick stairs were pretty neat too. Great booby trap.

He musta had style!

I think end of the world will be due to someting from space, even somewhat beyond the atmosphere.