Saxon's Survival Hour #206: The Ticket to Mental Health for Survival

Today's excerpt begins on page 537 of The Survivor Volume 2.


By Paranoid George
(Beginning with a short excerpt from WHEELS OF RAGE)

"When they got back to the mausoleum the other two ghouls had left.
In his drawer, Paranoid George was kicking and screaming and trying to get out.
If they hadn't gone back for him he could never have gotten out.

"When they opened the drawer he sat up with his empty gallon wine bottle.
He was slobbering and was out of his mind.
He was so drunk that when he woke up in the darkness and couldn't get out he actually believed he had been interred.
He clambered out of the drawer yelling.
'Buried alive! Buried alive!'

'Then he ran out to his bike and roared off into the night screeching over and over.
"Buried alive!"

“Big Mike and Pinochio left Gargantua with his bent up machine and went to get the camper.
They came back soon and loaded up Gargantua's scooter.
Then they all went home to Big Mike's and partied the rest of the night waiting for Paranoid George.

"When Paranoid George made his way out of the cemetery he wandered around for quite awhile before finding his way back to Glendale.
He was cold and drunk.
Feeling a maudlin need for some warmth and spiritual comfort he stopped by a Catholic church and parked his bike.

"He went up the broad steps and opened the door and looked inside.
There was no one around so he went into the lobby and peered around the corner at the altar down in front of the church.
There was a priest busy arranging some candles and a couple of worshippers kneeling in prayer.

‘Stumbling around sadly like the beaten sinner he was, he found an open confessional and went in and sat down.
To his credit, he didn't know where he was.
When he closed the confessional door its darkness might have reminded him of the crypt but there was a grille in the side for the confessor to talk through.
It let in just enough light to make the place cozy.

“Soon he slumped over and went fast asleep.
Sometime very early the next morning he accidentally hit the switch turning on the lighted sign which read, ‘ Priest is in.'
It was probably because the light was on that no real priest opened the door to the confessional.

“About seven o'clock a beautifully built girl sat down at the grille and began her confession.
’Father forgive me for I have sinned.'
Paranoid George woke up to hear the girl going on to tell about what she had done with, to and for her boyfriend last night.
He listened in amazement as she described positions he could only imagine in a motorcycle pileup.
She painted a picture that would make the average skin flick look like an old Victorian morality play.

"Paranoid George still had no idea where he was.
All he knew was that a girl he could barely make out through the grille was telling him the horniest story and had to be hot and wanting him.

"When her message was only too clear to him he said.
'Okay, baby, let's make it. My place or yours?'

"For a minute the girl couldn't believe what she heard.
When it finally registered she started screaming and going into hysterics.
That brought five priests and a bunch of citizens running.
She pointed to the confessional and shrieked.
That goddam priest in there propositioned me."
The citizens were shocked and the monsignor who was with the priests jerked open the confessional door.
When the priests got over their amazement at seeing Paranoid George sitting there in his black robe and vampire makeup they dragged him out and stood him on his feet.

“When the girl got a good look at him she hollered.
'I confessed to that?
Jesus, God Almighty; what is it?
It looks like a Muppet!'

"The monsignor shouted, 'Young man, how dare you sit in there and take a confession.
You're undoubtedly disturbed.
Made up like that you must be against everything the Lord stands for.
You must be some kind of devil.'

“No I ain't." Paranoid George raged, 'I'm a Christian.
I was saved at a showing of Elmer Gantry.'

"Then he turned and bolted out of the church.
He hopped on his scooter and tore off down the street yelling.
'Buried alive! Buried alive!'

The foregoing is a scene from chapter seven of WHEELS OF RAGE, by Kurt Saxon.
The book is about the Iron Cross Motorcycle club and our zany adventures.
Those of you who have read it will remember me as an off-beat, often comical character.

But there was nothing comical about the paranoid, sometimes bizarre, thoughts and feelings which constantly tormented my fevered brain.
Thus triggering most of the looney behavior which earned me the nickname of Paranoid George.
Common sense will tell you that most people who have to get drunk or high before they can have a good time, and those who must indulge in hostile, anti social behavior in order to feel fulfilled are often tormented individuals.

In my case it was the paranoid feelings of persecution that drove me to drink all the rot gut Red Mountain Burgundy I could chug down my gullet.
Also to wind up doing 90 days in the pound for stomping some naughty old coot who I figured was trying to get queer with me.

If you are a troubled soul, your problem might take the form of spells of depression, unexplainable anxiety, outbursts of temper, or maybe just a growing feeling that people don’t show you enough respect.
In any case, you are very unhappy.
Your inner feelings may tend to result in social behavior which others see as weird.
They begin to see you and react to you in a negative way.
You sense this reaction and become even more frustrated and begin disliking people.
This of course results in additional anti social behavior, be it verbal or physical.
Or you may just withdraw into your own little world.
This syndrome is no fun, as I know, having been through it myself.

For example, up until recently I used to wear sunglasses with two way mirrors for lenses.
That's because I felt people were staring at me.
In the past I'd have a compulsion to stare at a person every few seconds to make sure he wasn't staring at me.
Not wishing to tip my hand by exhibiting my own odd eye action.
I began wearing the glasses.
In this way I could check out any suspected starer in, say a waiting room, up to 50 times without letting him know I was looking at him.

Unfortunately, I found that one of the best ways to guarantee plenty of people giving you funny looks is to go around wearing specs with two-way mirrors for lenses.
As you can imagine, I began to find lots of proof that I was being stared at, especially when I’d show up wearing those sunglasses indoors or on rainy days.

As time went on, things got worse and I felt that my enemies were gaining on me.
Indeed, they were my best friends.
At night I developed insomnia.
Sometimes I sensed a vague warning bell inside me that the chick sleeping next to me might turn into a giant spider as soon as I drifted into dreamland where nightmares were the norm.

When things began to reach their utter madness, I became afraid to be alone.
But I was also afraid to be with people.
I developed a terror of elevators, airplanes, mirrors, cancer, heart trouble, the dark and the supernatural.

After much introspection I came to the conclusion that all my problems were the result of a black magic curse upon me by a wizard who was masquerading as a faggot in Glendale, California.
When I reached the point where I began to have hallucinations, I determined to put a stop to this persecution.
After I found that stomping him did no good, my further plans of attack included contacting a sorcerer to make up a counter spell which would save me from cutting his head off.
In a word, I was nuts.

If any of this sounds like you or a friend or loved one, whether you feel you're reaching the point of no return or simply exhibiting some of the milder, though unpleasant, neurotic thought patterns, take heart.
You may be merely suffering from a condition which you can correct within minutes.

The chances are great tnat you, like myself, can find glowing mental health and tranquility.
It may come so soon and so easily that you may be amazed, as I was at my own speedy recovery.
As I write these words, I sit here with a peaceful, anxiety free feeling.
I feel generally good these days.
Gone is the erratic behavior, crazy thoughts, nightmares, insomnia, depression, and paranoia.
I threw my reflecto specs in the garbage last week and I feel fine.

At this point you may expect me to thank Freud that I sought expert psychiatric help in the nick of time.
Or that I'll endorse Trancendental Meditation or even self-control.

Not at all.
In fact I took psycho therapy for six months, as an alternative to a jail sentence.
But I was so paranoid that I wound up accusing my therapist, a patient and personable young woman, of being a secret bull-dyke who was plotting to get me committed to a nuthouse on behalf of womens' lib.

What did cure me, however, was fructose and niacin.
As a result of taking these I've started thinking straight.
And I no longer suffer from the CHEMICAL IMBALANCE which had in fact been the real cause of my so-called mental problems.
I have a niacin deficiency brought on by low blood sugar.

I make no pretense to being an expert in the field of psychology or even in nutrition.
I do, however, know what has caused a miracle in me and have since observed niacin and fructose work on other secret squirrels with amazing results.

I don't blame you if at this point you are a bit skeptical.
My first experience with niacin and fructose came one evening when, as usual.
I was going crazy and beginning to hallucinate.
If someone had told me then that after dropping 600 mg of niacin and couple of teaspoonsful of fructose I'd be perfectly normal.
I wouldn't have believed it.
Yet, that’s exactly what happened.

I’d recently moved to Eureka to go to work for Kurt Saxon on the staff of THE SURVIVOR.
One night I was at Kurt’s place and we were sitting around drinking beer and enjoying light conversation.
For no particular reason I suddenly got the idea that Kurt was crazy and he planned to poison me, work black magic on me and in general had ideas about doing me in.
"He can’t do me in, man." was my exact thought.

But the most alarming thing I noticed was that his forehead suddenly seemed to be increasing in height while his face started getting smaller.
At the same time, his eye movements and gestures appeared to get quick and erratic.
His whole appearance was rapidly changing into that of a super-looney psycho who resembled Emperor Ming from Flash Gordon.
The guy seemed to be going bananas right before my eyes!

"Hey," I demanded, "what the hell is going on here?
You can't fool me.
You're planning some rotten scheme and I won't put up with it!"

Naturally the conversation deteriorated rapidly at that point and the recriminations flew thick and fast.

Somewhere along the line, Kurt started talking about niacin and fructose as a cure for depression and paranoia.
He produced a small plastic bottle of what appeared to be aspirin and a jar of fruit sugar, or fructose.
He then suggested that I might have a niacin deficiency.
I didn’t believe it.

But about then I was ready to try anything, even if it was to prove it didn't work.
So I picked up the bottle and shook six of the little white tablets into my palm.
Tossing them in my mouth, I downed them with a couple of gulps of Colt 45, followed by a teaspoonful of fructose.

The first thing I experienced was a burning sensation that felt like a sunburn all over my body and I thought I’d been poisoned for sure.
I looked in the mirror and saw that my face had turned beet red, exactly like a sunburn.
I later learned that this is a harmless reaction caused by the niacin releasing trapped histimines in the body.
It's called flushing.

Along with this flushing I suddenly experienced a wave of carefree self-assurance and tranquility.
My thinking became crystal clear.
My paranoia and visions of plots and poisonings had vanished in seconds.
In fact, I could recall my crazy mental process of a few minutes before and I felt free and confident to discuss my former weird ideas.
I laughed at them as the absurd delusions they were.

The effect of the niacin and fructose had been dramatic.
And though I didn't know it at the time, the high that I experienced was merely the feeling which most people have who are not chronically depressed.
In any case, I'd been cured of lifelong depression and paranoia in ten minutes.

These days, instead of taking six niacins like the first time, which was too much, I just take one and a level teaspoonful of fructose every few hours, especially if I begin to feel low.

I'm told by a nutritionally oriented psychologist that the effect of niacin on most people is not usually so sudden as it was with me, though the result is the same.
Usually a reserve has to be built up over the period of two days to a week.
But it works.

So if you have periods of anxiety where you feel something is wrong without really knowing what, or get depressed for no readily apparent reason, niacin and fructose may be all you need.
Tranquilizers have the same effect on depression and paranoia but they, just suppress the wild imaginings without healing the system, as is done through the use of niacin and fructose.

Consider the probability that you may have a niacin deficiency like I have.
If you do, you're actually among the lucky.
Niacin can be bought at any drug store without a prescription.
It’s just a vitamin and sells for a little over a penny per 100 mg tablet.
Fructose is simply fruit sugar and can be bought at any health food store for about $2.00 a pound.

When you get a flushed feeling from niacin it simply means you've taken more than your system can handle at that time, try one 100 mg tablet and a level teaspoon of fructose.
If you don’t get flushed or feel better within 15 minutes, take another tablet and some more fructose.
If even one tablet is too much, break it in half.
In a short time you'll know how much to take to feel better without flushing.
It won't be long before you build up a niacin reserve and then you can take one tablet and a spoon of fructose whenever you feel depressed, anxious, enraged over some small aggravation, etc.

Often when a person is depressed and anxious, his feelings signal his adrenal gland to release adrenalin for fight or flight.
But since there is no actual problem worth fighting or running from, he is left with a feeling of impending doom coupled with impotent rage.
Then he clobbers some dude, or beats the wife and kids, or starts shooting up the neighborhood and gets the SWAT team in.
This works the same on women and is the main cause for child battering.

What fructose does, in combination with niacin, is to block off the unnatural flow of adrenalin.
This simply takes away the urge for violent action against whatever petty little annoyance crops up during a period of depression.
Fructose can work wonders for anyone subject to alternating fits of depression and anger.

Millions of people have chronic low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, as part of their physical makeup.
Millions more produce this condition by eating too many carbohydrates such as breads, potatoes, etc. which the body converts to sugar.
Then there is candy, soft drinks, refined sugar used for sweetening, etc.
Putting all this sugar into the system causes quick highs, followed by an equally quick low which lasts a lot longer than the original high.
That's what people mean when they talk about low blood sugar.
When your system can't handle sweets, you experience highs followed by miserable lows.
That is bad enough on the mind and the emotions.
But it is also a signal that you could be developing diabetes.

So knock off the excessive carbohydrates and drop refined sugars altogether.

Fructose gives you the same high without the resulting low.
Adding fructose to the diet can mellow you out if you have the erratic symptoms of low blood sugar.
You may find that you can deal logically and assertively without being the victim of feelings of anxiety and inner panic when confronted with a stressful situation.
Nor will you be in danger of losing out to a surge of irrational fury and the desire to kick somebody's teeth in over a trivial matter or imagined threat or insult.

When I began taking fructose I followed a program.
On the first two days I took two rounded teaspoonfuls of the granulated fructose dissolved in water every two hours.
When I went to bed I had about five rounded teaspoonfuls dissolved in a glass of water next to me so that I could drink some when I woke up during the night.

Following the procedure saturates your system with fructose and your adrenal gland gets a total rest for two days.
I found myself to be totally collected during the two days and I reacted to all situations intellectually rather than emotionally.
The "flight or fight" responses were greatly dulled.

On the third day I began taking a level teaspoonful of fructose three times a day and that's what I take now, along with a greatly reduced dosage of niacin.

There’s nothing as good as fructose for killing the urge for soft drinks or sugar.
It won't make you fat.
In fact, if you have a weight problem, fructose and niacin will give you a natural lift which brings with it energy you didn't know you had.
You’ll burn off that extra weight just in the course of your daily activities.
Fructose is widely prescribed for overweight types.
In some European clinics, fructose is even prescribed for diabetics.

Between niacin and fructose, I now find that I’m pretty together and I seldom have the urge for sweets, or even alcohol, by the way.
Alcohol is also converted into sugar by the body.
A depressed type drinks and soon his blood sugar drops and he's terribly depressed.
The only way he knows to get back up again is to take another drink, and on and on.
Niacin and fructose takes away the depression so he simply loses the urge to keep chugging down the booze through all his waking hours.
So fructose and niacin is not only the cure for depression and overweight, but it’s also the only known cure for alcoholism.

If your system is shot through years of troubles, both real and imagined, you may need fructose and niacin from now on.
But both substances are relatively cheap, very easy to get and can bo stored indefinitely.
Considering what might lie ahead; mounting tensions, lack of medicines and general chaos, a lifetime supply of fructose and niacin could keep you reasonably collected through most of the chaos to come.
These two items could be the cheapest and most important elements in your survival program.

kurt pic.png

Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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Kurt had a rough go of things from time to time.


Being a drunk in the 70's running with a biker gang with members like Paranoid George had to have been quite the experience.
He was doing gun shows when I met him.

If you haven't read Wheels of Rage, it's worth the time, if you need a few hours of diversion from the dystopic police state we find ourselves in.

I have read it. You suggested it. I used to work gun shows, too.

We tend to put ourselves into such crazy situation, mental health comes the first after all.