Saxon's Survival Hour #201: The Meaning of Atlan

Today's excerpt begins on page 476 of The Survivor Volume 2.




Legend has it that there was once a great civilization called Atlantis.
It is said that Atlantis had a highly developed technology with everything we have and more.
Aside from airships, some even have said that they had links with civilizations in outer space.

The story goes on that some great cataclysm destroyed Atlantis.
Some say it was from great upheavals in the earth's surface.
Others say it was wiped out by atomic war.
The great majority of the people died of starvation, riots and wars fought over what was left of civilization.

The survivors, most of whom were highly trained technologists, lost their great cities, industries and technology.
This left them helpless and most of them reverted to savagery.
From greatness they were reduced to small bands of hunters and gatherers of roots and berries.

Although Atlantis may have been a myth, the further back archaeologists go, the higher the skills acquired by the ancients have been discovered.
The cave men, chipping crude flint axes and arrowheads may have boon the degenerate descendants of men with knowledge and powers we can only dream of.
A good example of this is the degenerate descendants of the Mayas, living like Jungle animals in parts of South America today, their ancestors a once proud race, higher in science and mathematics than that of Europe of the same period.

One might wonder how such giants of science and technology as the Atlans could degenerate into the savages archaeologists call the "first men".

Ur of the Chaldees, Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Rome, etc., also rose and then fell with a crash that left their survivors in various states of savagery.
They were not as primitive as the cave men since their technologies were more simple and easier understood by the survivors.
Even so, the fall of Rome produced a thousand years of what we know as the Dark Ages.
Tenth century farmers plowed and planted in the great Roman Coliseum, wondering at the lush harvests.
They didn't even remember that that plot of land had been fertilized by the blood of thousands of gladiators and animals slain in the great arena.

Years ago, I was fascinated by how civilizations rose, provided comforts for the populace, erected great monuments to skill and industry and then fell.
If they had a system which worked for them, why didn’t they go on to ever higher levels of refinement?
Why did such powerful nation states as Babylon, Greece and Rome fall to such illiterate savages as the Scythians, early Romans and Huns?
Imagine New York City of 1880 being taken over by the Sioux.
(I think they could do it today).

That these once great civilizations did degenerate to the point where they could be overrun by primitive barbarians is a fact.
Then, after each fall, the survivors reverted to the most basic of the remaining wisdom, requiring the minimum of knowledge and skill.

The survivors were usually of the peasant class who held on to their poor plots of ground and scratched out a bare living from the soil.
Warlike barbarians would descend on such peasant groups and enslave them.
Requiring more food for their soldiers, for further conquests, they actually contributed to the growth of agriculture.

Gradually, warrior dominated peasants rebuilt civilizations, often far interior to the previous civilization.
Of course, in the beginning of such civilizations, only the strongest and hardiest survived.

But as agricultural methods improved, more people ware fed who would have otherwise starved and taken their weaker characteristics out of the gene pool.
So unfortunately, this surplus was also the means of preserving weaklings and defectives who should not have survived.
Further, such weaklings were enslaved by the ruling classes, and when not being needed for agriculture, drifted to the cities and worked at unskilled jobs or lived on the dole or by begging.

Of course, there were intelligent and skilled artisans and tradesmen in the cities.
But the bulk of the population gradually was made up of rejects from agriculture.

The average Roman was jobless, a Proletarian, living on government handouts supplied largely by the Legionaires bringing back grain and other booty from foreign colonies and conquests.

Today, the Proletariat are known as unskilled workers or welfare recipients.

Every culture, as it developed and assumed greatness, nurtured a breed of politicians catering to the useless.
Roman politicians financed, through exorbitant taxes, and even their own wealth, the Building of great coliseums, where were held chariot races, gladiatorial combats and various forms of entertainments such as feeding social dissidents, such as Christians to lions.
They also had millions of animals collected from all over the then known world.
These animals were slaughtered for the enjoyment of the simple-minded Proletarians in the stands.
The Romans made extinct literally dozens of animal species.

The greater the show and the more degenerate the acts, the more votes went to the sponsoring Roman politician.
Thus, the most degenerate and wasteful politicians gamed the most power over the state end its people.
"Bread and Circuses" was the method of not only placating an idle and riotous population, but in perpetuating a Senate needy as corrupt as our own.

The lack of useful work, coupled with the low standards of social acceptability turned a once great nation into a herd of irresponsible, weak-willed, feeble-minded degenerates which were the greatest contributors to the nation s births.
In fact, the term ' Proletariat" also meant "child bearers".

When the Roman legions reached the furthest areas from which they could loot food from their subject colonies, starvation and social collapse set in.

Thus, Rome fell.
Its artisans and intellectuals died out along with its degenerate Proletariat.
Then came the Dark Ages ruled by illiterate princes and a corrupt priesthood, both groups of which destroyed as many of the men of reason as they could find, mainly though inquisitions.

The illiterate princes raped the people through ruinous taxation to fight useless wars with each other and in their stupid Crusades.
The Church not only sanctioned these practices, but kept hidden all the knowledge they had collected in the monasteries, which, had they released it, would have done immeasurable good.
But their aim was religious domination, not social advancement.
Further, the Church chose for its celibate priesthood, the most intelligent youth, whose genes might otherwise have gone to improve the race.

Today, the Church has lost most of its power, although it does its best to encourage the breeding of the poorest and most useless and degenerate of its followers.
Happily, though, its loss of influence spares more intelligent men who would otherwise rob our gene pool by celibacy.

In its place, homosexuality is taking over in the free world, initiating into a life of virtual celibacy many of the best specimens of our youth.
Its spread insures the robbing of our national gene pool by limiting future generations to those less attractive, intelligent, and consequently less able to contribute to society.

In its turn, our civilization rose from virtual barbarism and has achieved the highest technology in known history.
Our previously vast surpluses of food and fuel have led to a surplus population made up largely of the useless and degenerate.

instead of the paradise a controlled population could enjoy indefinitely, our technology is only contributing to the breeding of half-wits, murderous psychotics.
Liberals and other perverts who are bringing down our civilization by the year.
Adding to this are the changing weather patterns, which will only worsen in our time, plus a growing lack of resources, causing the mass starvation of literally billions of people.

Wortdwide collapse of civilization is imminent.

It won’t happen overnight, but in country by country and area by area, Industry by Industry, and so on.
It could hit you tomorrow.
So whether you are an auto mechanic, steelworker or nuclear physicist, you have only a relatively short time in your present occupation .
Your survival is up to you.

Years ago I saw the same factors appearing in our society which had led to the collapse of past civilizations.
I particularly noted the specialization of the educated, on the one hand, and the frivolous interests and idleness of the less able on the other hand .

I recalled the tales of the fall of Atlantis and its resultant barbarism.
Knowing that the ignorant masses were doomed and the more able were locked into an interdependent technology, I searched for answers, as did many of my generation, I became a joiner of cults and causes, giving them all my all.
But almost without exception, every faction proved to be a dead end and led by self-serving phonies or psychotic fanatics.

Again recalling the fall of Atlantis, I began preparing a method by which I could provide knowledge to intelligent survivors of the future collapse.
My main idea was that the biggest problem facing the survivors would be the lack of knowledge which they could apply to their own circumstances.

As it was, the Intelligent survivor could only hope to scrounge sustenance from the ruins.
Such scrounging would prove futile in only a short time after the fall.

I hit on the idea of collecting all the practical knowledge of the 19th Century, as it was relatively simple and easy to apply.
Also, it would insure a standard of living tar from primitive and a springboard to the technology we have today.
Further, it is far easier for the layman 10 understand than modern texts on science and crafts.

Back then, creative and knowledgeable people wrote their instructions for use by anyone interested, whether he had any background in the field or not.
Today, books on science and technology are written mainly to those who are expected to be already pretty well grounded on a particular subject.

Also, they wrote in plain language, not showing off their expertise in terms only their fellow experts could understand, as is often done today.
Nineteenth century terms unfamiliar to us were not used to show oh, or to conceal knowledge from the uninitiated.
They were just the terms people used in those days.
Most such old-fashioned terms have been updated in GRANDDAD'S WONDERFUL BOOK OF CHEMISTRY.

For years I’ve been collecting such knowledge and am now, and in the near future, hoping to assemble all the practical knowledge applicable to the needs of future Survivalists.

So Atlan Formularies is simply a figurative reference to the real or mythological Atlantis and a remedy for people in their comparative situation.

Alter the crash of world civilization there will be chaos and universal suffering and death.
Yet, unlike the original Atlans we can revert to a level of technology the intelligent layman can implement.

The only savages will be those who ought not to have been born the first place THE POOR MAN S JAMES BOND will help Survivalists deal with such doomed predators.

GRANDDADS WONDERFUL BOOK OF CHEMISTRY will enable you to make the chemical compounds you will need in your daily struggles.

MEDICINES LIKE GRANDDAD USED TO MAKE will help keep you well when your modern doctor loses his contact with the pharmaceutical companies, which will soon be out of existence.
(Now part of Chemistry)

SURVIVAL FOODS PLUS will help you to prepare and preserve the food you will need.
(Now part of Survivor Vol. 1)

THE SURVIVOR volumes will take care of the daily problems 19th Century people handled with such ingenuity.

In short, my books will give you a level of technology both interesting and practical, useful even today.
You need not fear death from want, ignorance, or from human predators.

I have been told, and agree, that had I omitted the grimmer aspects of the coming chaos I could reach more people.
Selling only nostalgia and 19th Century handicrafts I could appeal to far more buyers and make more money.

But that approach would have had me catering to hobbiests or nostalgia buffs I'm telling it like it is.
I'm not interested in hobbiests or nostalgia buffs.
I’m aiming my material at the strong-minded individualist, the only type who can, and should, survive.

I have no political solutions or aspirations.
My only admonition to my leaders insofar as a future system is to not let another Atlantis happen again.
My paramount advice to future generations would be to limit their offspring to only that amount they can provide for and manage with the love and individual care which develops strong citizens.

No social dependent should be allowed to enlarge his dependency.
That is, the individual who cannot provide for himself should not be allowed to reproduce.

If this simple rule had been followed there would never have been a surplus population.
Hoards of fertile idiots and genetic defectives procreating like unmanaged livestock would not have toppled nearly every civilization I’ve mentioned.

It is too late for today's majority to escape the fate of Atlantis.
But with dyed individual effort and stern measures of population control, paradise on Earth could be a reality.
The next generation, descended from the surviving remnants of this one, could inaugurate the next step in the evolution of human civilization.
Then our surpluses could go, not to the upkeep of human vermin, but to the provision of land and well-equipped homes for all, and then even Starships.

kurt pic.png

Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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Pretty earnest for a wild man.
