Saxon's Survival Hour #196: SURVIVAL AND MENTAL HEALTH

Today's excerpt begins on page 136 of The Survivor Volume 1.


by Cyrus Dickenson

Do you or a loved one have depression, neurosis, hyperactivity, learning disorder, mental confusion, chronic irritability, explosive behavior, migraine headache or short term memory loss?
If you do suffer from one of these problems and are maintained by one or more of the many medications developed, manufactured and distributed by the existing social order, you might wonder how you or your loved one can survive a social collapse and an end to your supply of miracle drugs.
Read on my friend; there is a way out.

In 1952 there were two revolutionary developments towards mental health discovered in North America.
One was to be praised by the established leaders of psychiatric medicine, and the relatives of those afflicted with serious mental disorders, and even some of the ill themselves.
The other development was doomed to obscurity, condemnation, and some laughs (except for those who were fortunate enough to be exposed to this development ).
The first, of course, were the phenolhiazines; miracle drugs.
And they were, as they replaced physical restraints and locked wards with chemical Straight jackets.
Free at last from a cell but, for most, a life of slow motion, little imagination, interest, or drive.
In short, a life of reduced effectiveness and of reduced survival capabilities.

The second development, as obscure as its discoverers was a laugher.
What was this discovery by Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond, while working in a Canadian government hospital in Saska loon Sascatchewan?
Yup, that's it.
Hoffer and Osmond fortunately did not have training as psychiatrists so did not try to ''talk” their patients out of their illness.
They considered that mental disorders were like any other illness, to be treated like chicken pox, cancer, etc., and to not "blame" the patient or his relatives as if they wanted to be sick.
They found that people suffering from perceptual distortions, such as in schizophrenia, had faulty adrenal glands which, under stress, produced the wrong chemical (Adrenochrome).
This chemical has properties nearly similar to L.S.D. and causes mild to severe psychedelic distortions in taste, time, sight, sound, touch, etc.
They also discovered that by giving niacin or niacinimidc (vitamin B3) in very large doses on a daily basis the dangerous manufacture of adrenochrome by the adrenal gland was arrested, returning one's brain to normal functioning.

They then discovered that by giving equally large amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) that this aided the recovery, as this natural substance acts in the body and brain as a detoxifyer.
Thus, any adrenochrome that lingered in the brain, or was still being produced, would be broken down into harmless substances.
This approach, unlike the use of phenolhiazines, completely corrected the mental illness (so long as one stayed on these vitamins) restoring previous functioning, or, as it often was reported, even better than any previous functioning.

Three important steps are accomplished by weaning one's self off of his or her medications and onto mega vitamins.
Number one; The level of functioning will be greatly increased.
Number two; A great leap away from dependency on Big Brother will have been achieved.
Medications are controlled by physicians and the drug industry.
Patent rights control the manufacture, distribution, and accessability of these drugs.
Vitamins, on the other hand, cannot be controlled by physicians (they tried passing laws to gain control but failed).
They can be purchased over the counter or through the mail from thousands of outlets.
The drug industry has no patent rights as they are natural substances found throughout nature.

Actually, this is one of the biggest reasons vitamins are rarely prescribed by physicians.
The drug companies don't push them on the doctors as they do their own brand name medications, for which they can charge anything they want.
So, you ran stockpile vitamins easier.
Number three: There are virtually no serious side affects when taking vitamins in concentrated forms (with the exception of synthetic vitamin D, the kind found in milk, and vitamin A when taken at levels of 100.000 I.U. and greater for long periods of time).
Prescription drugs, on the other hand, can cause side effects at times, worse than the disease to be corrected.
Many times, a person has to take extra medication to reduce the side effects of the primary drug.

I want to talk about “stress" at this point, because understanding stress, what it means to us, and how it affects our survival, can give an individual the best chance of survival with his or her individual mental and physical capabilities.
Stress is not something to be avoided.
The only way to avoid stress would be to do nothing at all.
All human activity involves stress, from a game of tiddleywinks to a passionate embrace.
But this can be defined as the stress of pleasure, challenge, fulfillment.
What we all want is the right kind of stress for the right length of time, at the level that is best for us.
What we don't want is distress!
Excessive or unvaried stress, particularly frustration, becomes distress.
And this, in turn, can lead to ulcers, hypertension, and mental or physical breakdown.

One of man's greatest mistakes is to only look "outward" for the cause of his distress.
He often fails to consider looking inward, so I want to make the distinction.
Many of us, when in distress on a day to day, long term basis, (sometimes a whole lifetime) deal with it only by blaming other people.
Often the distressed gives up on his goals, desires, and ambitions.
His expectations arc not met.
He may have to move out of a city or large population center where his family, friends, job or educational opportunities abound and to settle for a quieter (if not more boring) rural world of people and events.
He knows something is very wrong but just what it is may be vague.
He may become more and more embittered at others for causing him to have to retreat into a less interesting, less secure lifestyle.

If, on the other hand, it was safe for him to look inward (as well as outward) for what has been distressing him, his approach towards dealing with his overall survival could be quite different.
For example, if he looked inward (for physiological distress) and recognized that he was not crazy but that his brain was not working at full efficiency (poor or unpredictable memory, confusion, irritating hallucinations, periodic blank mind, distracting headache, unexplained lethargy. etc.) he then might direct his coping skills towards strengthening, fortifying, and balancing his body chemistry (internal environment) so as to correct those disorders.

That is to say, if now his mind is working at its best, his whole mental outlook will brighten.
If my memory doesn't fail me I can be confident, even authoritative, around others.
If I'm not confused I can absorb information in a logical clear way and of course I can use this information towards my survival.
I can become a useful resource to others.
This will give me confidence, uplift my spirits, pull me out of depression and despair, lower my fears that I might not survive a social crisis.
So this is important.

If I can, somehow correct these internal imbalances I can halt my retreat from the rest of the world, can become somebody, can take pleasure in knowing I'm capable of not only caring for myself but for others, can tackle stress (the problems of life) not just as obstacles but because it feels good to solve problems.
I'd be able to do more than one thing at a time instead of hanging on to just one objective at a time.
I would be capable of maintaining my job, caring for my family, helping my neighbor, and putting extra lime into a hobby, all at once and enjoying it.
So, if we can fortify our physical body, we can handle (1) more kinds of stress, (2) for longer periods of time, (3) at a higher level.

But I stated earlier, ‘if it were safe to look inward' one could do so and so.
Those who have mental problems such as those mentioned would be foolhardy to tell just anyone about them.
First, they would probably misunderstand.
Secondly, they might assign the wrong reason (eg, blame the person for his illness and tell him to do the wrong thing for it.)
Sometimes they just won't believe you.
They might say "Oh, there’s nothing wrong with you but your attitude," or, “keep your chin up.”
After a few responses like those, one learns not to share his inner fears.

Now one can learn how to correct these biochemical imbalances that can so reduce his capabilities of coping successfully.
And he can be confident if he needs assistance from a physician (often he would not need one), for there are now over one-thousand doctors and psychiatrists who have broken away from traditional American medical practice towards one of prevention through nutrition and meganutrient therapy.
They have recognized emotional disorders to be caused by imbalances in the body chemistry and that they can be corrected by taking the right natural substances, at the correct amount for each individual’s special needs.
He will listen to your complaints, believe and respect you, and prescribe vitamins, minerals, amino acids (protein) and a special diet.
Little or no emphasis will be placed on any emotional “hang ups” as he knows that as the chemistry in the brain comes into balance any twisted thinking will straighten itself out in time without psychoanalysis or digging into one’s past or childhood.
They even feel that to do this would work against the patient’s recovery.

I have mentioned a special diet and if our government took the responsibility of restricting the use of refined sugar, artificial colors, flavors, binders, fillers, preservatives, and all the other chemicals in our foods we wouldn't need a special diet.
But of course we do.
If you do, or even if you don’t feel you suffer from inefficient or malfunctioning brain chemistry, the first and nicest thing you should do for yourself is to stop eating refined foods.
The absolutely critical ones are white sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, alcohol, coffee, white flour, and all white bread, white rice, or any other foods that are stripped of their vitamins and minerals.
These empty foods rob our bodies of vitamins and minerals already’ in our system which are needed to fuel, build, and repair each individual cell.
Eating and drinking these so called foods on a daily basis are the cause of the degenerative diseases more and more prevalent today in most industrial societies.
I'm talking about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and alcoholism just for starters.

Getting back to our topic of emotional disorders, these same “foods” can cause any of the possible symptoms of mental distress including schizophrenia, neurosis, and psychotic behavior as well as any lesser degree of distress in certain individuals.

We now need to replace what we’ve taken away.
Replace refined foods with whole foods.
For example, eat whole grain cooked cereal.
Eat whole grain breads.
Eat whole fresh fruit instead of concentrated juices, especially when sugar is added.
Stick to cooking from scratch.
Don’t rely on special packaged convenience foods.
Learn to think your way through periods of low energy.
That is, think protein instead of relying on a craving for sweets.
Eat lots of small protein snacks throughout the day instead of relying on coffee, candy, cakes, smoking, and other refined or sweet foods to keep your blood sugar or energy up.

If you eat a lot of these nutrition stripped foods I know you don’t feel your best.
You may not even know what feeling good is all about.
I also say you will feel better in two weeks or less if you will completely leave these items out of your diet and replace them with whole foods and several small protein meals throughout the day.
Of course I assume you will round out your diet with the other essential foods such as lots of fresh and steamed vegetables, vegetable and animal fats, and the whole grains or carbohydrates.
I must add that for some people there will be further obstacles which may interfere with your highest mental functioning such as poor intestinal absorption or assimilation, and allergies.
Improving the diet may help these problems as well.

I recommend that before one starts out on this approach, begin a serious educational program to learn the nutritional path towards good health such as what and where to buy wholesome foods.
How to prepare, store, and cook them.
And to learn better than anyone else how your specific body metabolism works.
It’s easier than you think.

With the accumulation of that knowledge you can supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals or other nutritive substances that your particular body may need in excess of what you can get in your diet.
If you are now on prescription medications, do not stop taking them.
First, study up from the book list to follow.
Then ask your doctor to slowly reduce your medication after you are well into your diet and supplement program.
If he doesn’t believe in preventive medicine through diet and supplementation, or if he tells you that sugar and white bread is good for you I would certainly find another doctor.
If you believe you have serious mental distress but have not had a mental breakdown or have not had one recently you can safely try the meganutrienl approach.

The following is a partial but excellent list of recommended reading to start you on your way to better health and a more secure and enjoyable life regardless of the social order.

Abrahamaon, E.M. and Peut, A.W.

Body. Mind, and Sugar. New York: Pyramid Publications. 1971.

Adam.. R. and Murray, F. Megavilamin Therapy, (on low blood sugar) New York: Larchmont Books. 1973.

Cheraakin, Ringadorf and Clark. Diet and Disease. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press. 1968.

Fredericks, C. Ealing Right For You. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. 1972.

Holier & Osmond. How To Live With Schizophrenia. Secaucus, N.J.: University Books. Inc., 1974.

Newbold, H.L. Mega-Nutrients for your nerves. New York:Perter H. Wyden/Publisher.

Pfeiffer, Carl C. Mental and Elemental Nutrients. New Canaan, Conn. The Publication Committee of the Brain Bio Center. Princeton. N.J.: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1975.

Pauling, Linus. Vitamin C and the Common Cold. New York: Bantam Books. 1971.

Porter, J.W.G. and Rolls B.A.,eds.

Proteins in Human Nutrition. New York: Academic Press. 1973.

Rodale. J.l. and staff. The Health Finder. Emmaus. Pa.: Rodale Books. 1954.

Rodale. J.l. Prevention Magazine. Emmaus. Pa.:Rodale Press. Inc.

Selye, Hans. Stress Without Distress. New York: The New American Library Inc.. 1974.

Stone. Irwin. The Healing Factor Vitamin C Against Disease. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1972.

Yudkin. John. Sweet and Dangerous. New York: Peter H. Wyden. 1972.

Colt, A. Orthomolecular Treatment: A Biochemical Approach to Treatment of Schizophrenia.

Holler. A. Megavitamin B-3 Therapy fer Schizophrenia.

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Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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Mental health is most important for fighting againts serious dieases.

We sure are what we eat.


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