Saxon's Survival Hour #190: Politics and Politicians

Today's excerpt begins on page 109 of The Survivor Volume 1.


Every four years our Silly Season comes around.
It is then that the American public is given the responsibility of either keeping competent politicians in office or sweeping the rascals out in favor of better men.

In a small town, where people know their politicos, the system works fairly well.
If a campaign promise is not kept, the one using it to get elected faces impeachment at worst and non-reelection at best.
To save his career he must prove an unforeseen obstacle prevented him from acting as he said he would.

In a local issue, his excuse is easily checked.
He can’t fool enough people to stay in office.
Thus, most junior politicos are sincere.

But as his scope widens, he comes up against people who use politicians to further their own interests.
The Highway Commissioner promises him the votes of all those who would benefit by the highway system if he enlarges it.
These include construction workers, truckers, sellers of road building materials, businesses along the route, etc.

If the new system was really needed the politico has earned his votes to a higher office too often, however, it is just a stopgap measure.
There is temporary employment, a lot of money is spread around but the result is more arable land covered with concrete, more forests butchered.
It is another ecological disaster.

The taxpayers are left holding the bag and property taxes go up again.
The construction worker is unemployed again.
Businesses along the route fail during a fuel shortage.
Little old ladies lose their crackerbox homes because they can’t pay the increased taxes.

The politico who backed the program finds it very easy to blame everyone concerned and plead ignorance.
Politicians have become so good at pleading ignorance that ignorance has become their hallmark.

The higher up he goes in politics the less control the politician has over the programs he backs.
There are so many interested persons telling him things they only hope are true, that he and the voters are easily taken in.

So this sincere politico goes from local issues which he can control to state issues, too complex and with too many vested interests for him to be expected to control.
But by the time his promised benefits have failed to materialize, he is on the next rung of the political ladder.
His past mistakes are now far behind and his future ones are close ahead.
He now vows that with the support of tho voters, he and they will never be swindled again.

Had he stayed where he was, he might have learned the pitfalls of that level, and some do.
But up he goes and the public is shafted again.
Relying on the political amnesia of the public, he now runs as a popular friend of all.
He is ignorant but well-meaning.
But with your support, everything is possible.

Since this dummy is not able to knew everything, he makes ignorance a virtue, often implying that those, really qualified are suspect.
If they do know what’s happening they must be on the inside, with the enemy.
So you are actually encouraged to vote against the most able.
Any competence is suspect since it smacks of inside knowledge.
So the most ignorant, the dreamers, the wishful thinkers, leave the “eggheads" far behind in most political races.

Of course, most of the eggheads are simply a little more intelligent.
This doesn’t mean they know enough to come in out of the rain.
Actually, the intellectual politico is simply the one who can read without moving his lips.

He usually surrounds himself with degree holders whose only abilities lie in sneering down any practical approach to a problem.
The degree holders, politicos who court them, and their numerous hangers-on are called "Liberals" and their only concern is with impoverished no-hopers.

The Liberal is so insecure in his real value that he must reduce the value of all so that he looks better by comparison.
Hence, the idealistic social programs that fail right along with the roads that go nowhere and the dams that break and the publicly subsidized industries which loot the wage-earners.

It doesn’t really matter if the dummy is ignorant or actually stupid, whether he calls himself a Liberal.
Conservative or a Moderate.
They are all political pigs wanting only to get up to the public trough, and stay there.

They all plead ignorance, in one way or another.
They need the support of the American people, as it that support will somehow put the stamp of validity on their incompetent efforts toward a better life for all.

That’s why they all say,
"Even if you don't vote for me, vote."
They know your vote is a vote for their own way of life.
It insures that if they lose this election, they’ll still have a goal to shoot for next time.
It’s a vote to keep those places at the public trough available for creeps who have nothing to sell but themselves.

And since they have nothing to sell but themselves, the accent is on personality and agreeableness.
They parade out their usually pretty wives and homely children and read speeches written by others.

Most such speeches are written by Madison Avenue types whose works sound like commercials written for kiddie shows.
"Vote for Captain Monster.
More sugar to the spoonful."

The speeches are usually geared to pleasing everybody, no matter what opposite ambitions the voters have.
They generally promise a paradise for both the dog and the flea.
It’s all an illogical, wasteful and often cruel circus.

Our society is collapsing due to over-population, mental cripples, pollution, changing climate and a scarcity of resources.
All any politician can do is manipulate scarce resources and divert them to the loudest rabble or tho most influential industries and away from the wage-earners.

Nothing these turkeys promise will really change things.
A person who believes it will is only delaying urgent action toward his own survival.

This month, the results of a voter rebellion poll came out.
It predicts that 70 percent of Americans old enough to vote will not go to tho polls this November.
That’s more than the combined vote totals for Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater in 1964.

In the last two national elections, the survey found, up to 10 million people have dropped out.
The possibility exists that come November, for the first lime in over 50 years, a majority of eligible voters will not choose who their president is to be.

Most of the dropouts are college educated and reasonably affluent.
One well-dressed young protester interviewed as a potential voter said,
"Look at the whole thing.
We are going to get screwed one way or the other.
We're gonna get it.
And no one’s really looking out for our benefit.”

There was still another disturbing statistic (to the pollster).
Of the 87 percent of non-voters who said they could be turned back on by a candidate in which they could place their faith, only one percent mentioned the name of President Ford or Jerry Carter.
This is no real hope for those wanting a third party such as the American Independent, Libertarian, etc.
Also, chances are still no better for the gutter politicians of the radical Right and Left.

The American political system is the instrument of Business and Labor.
The Republican politico favors Business and acknowledges Labor.
The Democrat favors Labor and acknowledges Business.
Business and Labor are completely interdependent and neither could survive if either were favored beyond a certain point, or if another interest were favored to any effectual degree.

Business and Labor are the two largest power blocks, each having a greater concentration of voters.
The self-employed, unemployed, the farmers, students and racial minorities, have no common ground on which to come together in the alliance it would take to gain a majority.

So both parties give lip service to the needs of small business, farmers and minorities.
These groups have sincere spokesmen in both parties.
But this is arranged, don’t you see?
Fewer people are fooled.

Over hall the people have given up on politics and politicians.
Over two-thirds agree with the statement that candidates say they will do one thing and then do the opposite.
This is true because both Republican and Democrat need the votes of Small Business.
Farmers and racial minorities.
Even if they are sincere, when they gain office, they find that their party's basic interests must be served even if that means making a liar out of the winner.

As more people catch on to the fraud of voting in national elections, only the simple-minded continue to vote.
I was listening to the complaints of a registrar of voters on a TV news show.
He was saying that a certain sample ballot was too complex.
His point was that the average voter reads at a sixth grade level.
Are you surprised?
Aren't most political appeals made to morons?

But the fact that the ballots were too complex had nothing to do with intelligence.
The issues on sample ballots are usually written in single, long sentences, vague and impossible to understand without prior briefing.
If you haven't studied the issues on your own, the ballot will often cause you to vote opposite to your real intentions.

You probably remember issues on which the ballot tells you to vote "yes".
If you are against it and "no" if you are for it.
This seems to be a snare set up by the overall political machine.
If you are among the intelligent minority and know what you're voting for, you will not be deceived.
But you will still have wasted your time voting.

A case in point is Proposition 13 in California which called for a study of atomic power with the view to shutting down the power plants.
So a yes vote was against atomic power and a no vote was for it.
The intelligent voter who was against atomic power voted yes.
The less aware voter who was also against atomic power voted no, meaning he didn't want it.
Atomic power won with a two-thirds majority.

Survivalists don't involve themselves in national politics at all.
They don’t want to be dependent on either Big Business or Labor Unions, the Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum of our political system.
They know that, as part of an intelligent minority, their votes will be cancelled, several to one, by the ignorant.

Only a fool, nowadays says, "If you don't vote, you have no right to Criticize."
Actually, just the reverse is true if you vote for either Tweedle-Dum or Tweedle-Dee you are endorsing a dual-monopoly.
Either side is just one side of the same coin.
Every vote for either side is an endorsement lor the monster.
The non-voter is the only one qualified to criticize that monster.

If a majority refuses to vote in national elections, the dual-monopoly will be shattered.
Politics will become regional.
Thus, most of the people in an area will be catered to instead of just those affiliated with Big Business and Labor Unions.
Smaller parties will have a chance for the first time to address themselves to neglected interests.

Your non-vote in the national election will be a vote for whatever chance this country still has.

kurt pic.png

Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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It's amazing how much of this screed remains true today. It probably echoes identical sentiments written by Plato, now that I think about it.

"Jerry Carter"



This struggle to be free from coercive control is as old as the first two men that picked up sticks and began to farm the neighbors rather than the land.
The politician came shortly after, 'Let me talk to him, I'll get him to drop the price of not getting harmed.'.

Politicians are fed by ignorance.

politicians are the curse.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™