Quiero hacer una mención especial en esta publicación a:
@coldbeetrootsoup, @guiltyparties, @blocktrades, @bluemist, @appreciator
Para hacerles llegar mi situación...
Cualquier ayuda y aporte estaría totalmente agradecida
Greetings to all happy week recharged with lots of energy and good vibes for everyone, this time I bring you a very different publication and that I need to leave it here.
I begin by saying the situation in my country: Venezuela as many know is a situation that day by day is complicated by the hyperinflation and other factors that affect all of us who are within it, and I want to touch the part and the theme Health as it is a bit complicated because unfortunately many hospitals do not have resources or supplies to meet or provide optimal service so to speak.
Getting into the reason for my post, the first reason is my mom. My mom is a person and a very special angel that God sent to show how strong and warrior she is, she has gone through very difficult situations that she has been able to overcome, one of them was an accident she suffered 2 years ago in which she died and was born again because she was dragged a considerable distance by a truck, She suffered several very dangerous blows, her left cheekbone was affected as well as the area of her head, and her foot that was trapped and trapped and until today she suffers from the left foot since her tendons suffered a very considerable injury and prevents her from walking well because of the pain that she still suffers.
There is also a new situation and concern that has appeared to my mom, which I am going to leave some images here a little strong because for weeks my mom began to appear in the area of her head blisters that are very painful and infected that has been spreading throughout her head, this is another condition that requires review as it prevents my mom to rest, or even do their daily activities, and product of that her hair falls out. As well as the fingers of her hands have suffered an infection that has caused my mother to lose her nails.
My mom is my fundamental pillar since she is the one who supports me with my children and their care while I work, she is my only ally, my friend, my confidant, she is simply an angel.
Having said all this, I must also talk about another situation that is very worrying because I will touch on the subject of my children's health: Oliver, my eldest son, must undergo some studies because he is getting small lumps on his skin that are lymphomas that must be treated because it prevents him from doing strength or affects him when his mood changes.
Michael (my second son) must also have his routine exams to see how he is since he is the thinnest of his 4 siblings due to malnutrition and requires vitamins and food supplements so that his health is not affected, thanks to the lack of vitamins he got a wound on his foot, because his skin is delicate.
Athena (my only female daughter) is the one that is causing me the most concern because she is suffering from various symptoms that cause concern for me after taking her to the doctor.... For months she has been suffering from sudden fainting spells when doing her sports activities at school, as well as walking short distances causes her a lot of exhaustion, and also for weeks she has been getting a rash in the area of her neck that has nothing to do with allergy to shampoo, conditioner, etc ... it is something that is causing her a lot of pain.
Gyan (my youngest son) also needs to be evaluated as he has presented fever and malnutrition due to lack of good nutrition.
With all that I have expressed the only thing I want to ask for is help and support can be valuing my publication or sending me if you like some crypto to my wallet, it is difficult not to cry with this that I am going through because I know and I am very aware that there are people and families who are going through difficult times. My trust in God and my faith is infinite and I have the determination that this will be a battle in which very good results will be obtained.
Finally I want to leave my best vibes and many blessings to all of you and your families.
I would like to make a special mention in this publication to:
@coldbeetrootsoup, @guiltyparties, @blocktrades, @bluemist, @appreciator.
To let you know my situation...

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Todo va a salir MUY bien
Ya verás que si
En el nombre de Dios
Amén amor!!! Antes cualquier adversidad que se presente, la fe y la lucha es la clave para vencer... Gracias por estar conmigo 😘🙏😘
Así es
Hola mi bella. Este es una hora aciaga, para ti, y tu bella familia. Les mando a todos mis bendiciones. Recuerda que todo pasa, y esto, también pasará. Dios es misericordioso y te va a sacar de este mal momento que están pasando. La Divina Providencia va a poner sus manos en todos los miembros de tu hermosa familia y los sanará. Mis cariños para ti, y que Dios te bendiga mi amor.🤗😍
Madre bendición!!! Espero que te encuentres bien... Tus palabras siempre me dan fuerzas por lo especial que es y yo tengo la fe que todo esto se va a solucionar, es fuerte pero no imposible... Te mando un abrazo fuertetote y que Dios te bendiga... Gracias por el aporte que lo valoro inmensamente
Amiga la verdad te deseo lo mejor y mucha fuerza, se de primera mano lo difícil que son estas situaciones de salud en la familia. Mi madre ya no está junto a mi pero recuerdo cuantas cosas tuvimos que pasar, voy a publicar en mi twitter también tu publicación. Espero en nombre de dios que todo mejore y la salud de tu familia sea reestablecida, de todo corazón así lo deseo.
Saludos amigo, muchas gracias por pasar y por apoyarme, siento mucho la partida de tu madre y te agradezco por comprender y entender... Bendiciones 🙏
Dios con ustedes hermanita, sé que saldrán de esta victoriosos para que estas dificultades solo sean anécdotas para contar y enseñar que en los momentos oscuros siempre hay luz 🙏❤️... te abrazo con amor y deseo lo mejor para ustedes 🌹💖... You Rockkkk!!! ❤️
Gracias hermano mío por tu apoyo y tus palabras muy acertadas y gracias también por ser el hermanito que me regaló la vida... Se te quiere mucho 🤟🤗🤟
Amiga que lamentable todo lo que están pasando. Que Dios tome el control de esa situación y puedan superarlo juntos como la hermosa familia que son. Confío en que esta publicación llegará a quien pueda ayudar; Hive es un ecosistema muy grande, donde hay médicos, personas que conocen a personas y nuestros curadores que se que entre todos podemos hacer que tu situación mejore.
Abrazos y pronto con mi aporte, de granito en granito sé que lograremos mucho 🤗🤗🤗🤗.
Saludos mi querida amiga, muchas gracias por tu comentario y que Dios te bendiga mi niña.... si tengo mucha fe de que poco a poco todo mejore... un fuerte abrazo
Hola, que triste, comparto, saludos!
Muchas gracias por ayudar a difundir amiga, te mando miles de bendiciones... 🙏
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
You should try making a video on 3speak, and try to Make English version side by side too. It would reach way more people!
Greetings, thanks for your advice and I will see if I can do it in 3speak format as the internet doesn't help much.... Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting
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