My Hive Highlight: Art and teaching Hive at University by @nahupuku "Puku"👽 - 2024

Hi to all - PukuGreetings/PukuSaludos, today Im going to speak about my experience like a Hivean teaching and speaking about Hive, for me it was really a real Highlight because I can show the platform to others, very talented artist that join Hive (more than 35 new users: Im a Professor in the most important Art University of my country Venezuela, UNEARTE, and for me was a very cool experience to do that, It was very important for me to develop this kind of labour for the Hive community and for my own creation process. I can make some very cool Virtual Expo`s for the students in NFTShowroom and in Hive posts, that can show art to others with a link, worldwide, for the artists was a very cool way to express and show theirs talents and theirs artworks, please I invite you to take a look at the links behind, each one its an art exposition post that Im shure that you will enjoy. @orimusic helps me a lot in this process of teaching about Hive and give some joys to the students because here its hard to find spaces for they can share and show theirs artworks. Luckyly this 2024 they can make a small Art Expo in the Beaux Art Museum of Caracas and Hive was part of that.
Speaking at Classroom (video inside the University with my students):
Teaching about Hive:
Aveledo Podcast:
Showroom Virtual Expo Ethnic, Dragons, Renaissance, Yellow, Red and Blue Color, Rome and Greek classical and Egyptian Art and Future Memoirs Posts of my students artworks:
Iniciative by @hiveio
PukuEdition by me - 2024 - NNR

PukuEdición by me, 2024 - NNR
My NFTShowroom gallery:

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

Great work spreading the word!
You're doing great work there.
@steevc thanks a lot :D yeap its a long ride since PKM (my hive community) focus into Crypto education was really a game changing of myself and try to share this Hive ecosystem to others for my experience was and its very amazing