Planting and reaping as part of God's provision to humanity!

in The Kingdom4 days ago

Hi, everyone!

This morning, my mother gave me a call to come over to the house and help her out with her business and other things in the house since she is the only person and my younger siblings couldn't help the way they should, as mature people, would do. My mom called and I later went to the village in the evening since a heavy downpour came. As I arrived home, I saw my mother sitting outside of the house to scrape out the sand in the body of yams. It was plenty, and I was excited to see such a bountiful harvest. It was a blessing and good and gave God all the glory, honor, power, and such harvest in this season.

This is local yam

I thank God for my Dad, who is a farmer. He likes farming, especially in his small-scale preference. Any little space that my dad has, he would use for planting. He has reaped what he has planted. This provision goes to those who are not staying idle but hard work in the garden.

Just like the bible declares,

Deuteronomy 28:12 The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

The Lord says that he will send rain to the land due to its season, and the rain will beautify the land and make it fruitful, and this increase will cause us to share with others and be a blessing to others.

This is plantain

I want to encourage people to plant when the season comes, people should learn how to clear the bush, set it ablaze, and till the soil for planting. If everyone can do this, I presume that there will be no hunger in the land. Instead, everyone will have something to eat and be satisfied without blaming the government for not providing the necessary needs for the people. Just like our president's wife who said to the Nigerians that her husband is not the cause of hardship that people are facing, that there is no food for the idle man.

Let's plant and see what the lord's doing on our plantation. The Bible says, there will be an increase, an abundance of reaping what we sowed.

I pray that God will give us the grace to plant, sow, reap, and leave the rest to God. So planting and reaping is God's provision for humanity.

Thank you for reading through.

_I love, care, and I forgive_

_I remain @peckypeace_

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