The Starting Line Up For Team Jesus

in The Kingdom8 months ago

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I was listening to a sermon the other day and the pastor was making a few points about how we put God in a box...We do this to make him fit our narrative and our vision of what our Lord and Savior should be.

This was the quote that got me thinking....

"We try to make God in our image, but forget that God made us in HIS image!"

This really hit me...

Let's take a look at who Jesus called to be with Him during /after His ministry.

Peter - A fisherman. A working class guy. Rough around the edges, but was ready at the drop of a dime.

Simon The Zealot - Do you know what the world would call Simon today? A terrorist. Who then repented!

Matthew - A tax collector. A publican. A man of the state!

Thomas - Doubting Thomas reminds me of the 'enlightened' of today. If he couldn't verify it with science, it didn't happen.

Paul - Of the Pharisees. Became the evangelist of all evangelists.

And there's other examples with the Apostles but here's the point....Jesus literally, took people from every single background and experience He could. And they were to present the message to the world.

Maybe you hate that 'republican' family member that is always talking about Trump? Jesus chose Matthew.

Or maybe you can't stand those evil evil terrorists and can not understand why they do the things they do? Jesus chose Simon the Zealot.

Maybe you detest the union guys and the left wing working class attitudes. Jesus chose Peter.

We have always tried to fit God into our narrative and surround ourselves with Yes men. People that agree with us. Never challenge us. But is this what Jesus did?

Did He surround himself with people that were the same or did He build a team of apostles that challenged the world? Tribalism is a human thing. It's not of God.

Maybe we need to start looking at the character of people, rather than which 'tribe' we belong to. After all, God judges the heart ;)
