Sometimes, I Still Can't Believe It...

in The Kingdom6 months ago (edited)

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"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD..."

This is one of my favorite verses in the entire bible.

We find it in the first few verses of the book of Isaiah. (verse 18)

This is a verse I use a lot when I'm doing bible studies and personal evangelism. Because I know when I first started poking around the bible I had a lot of questions. You see, this is actually what our Creator expects. Sure, we're supposed to have trust and faith in His Word. But at the end of the day, we are humans and we are going to have multiple head scratching moments in our Christian walk.

But last night, I needed to remind myself of this verse personally.

I was baptized about 10 years ago, but I'm still going to the feet of God daily and asking Him to shine some light on a subject for me. I wasn't having a bad day or anything like that. I just had some questions. The devil was playing with some scriptures in my mind, and because of that I started getting this anxious feeling.

What if I'm wrong?

What if I didn't understand what this part of Scripture was explaining?

What if my faith is fake?

The questions started racing around my mind, which is why God literally says....

COME! Let us reason together!

Of course, the Holy Spirit pretty much guides you once you humble yourself and just start reading the bible and then I started remembering another verse in Isaiah....

"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little..." (28:10)

The proper was to dig into scripture and the biblical methods of bible study.

With these two verses in my arsenal, truth literally unfolded before me.

I had the inspiration to start reading the Gospel of John and only a few minutes into the reading, my 'questions' were answered.

Sometimes, I still can't believe it!

Someone new to faith my just shake their head and say, you are looking too much into it. This isn't divine at all, it's just chance. You found what you were looking for not because God showed it to you, but because you happened to stumble across it.

Faith is an amazing thing....Because I'll pick 'God showed me' 10 times out of 10 ;)

The answers are in the Word of God. You just need a few things to find them....

Some prayer. Some patience. And just a little bit of faith ;)

God will take care of the rest!

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This reminds me of Mark 9:24:

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

This is such an awesome prayer, imho. The man had asked Jesus to heal his son of demon possession, but prefaced his request with “if you can.” Jesus replied:

If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes.

The man realizes that his own unbelief might be the limiting factor. In desperation, he asks Jesus to help him overcome his unbelief.

How amazing it is that we have a God who meets us at our point of need, even supplying the faith we need to overcome our own unbelief and lack of faith, if we will but humbly ask.

Amen to that.....He doesn't even meet us halfway, he literally comes to our door and knock :)

He knocks. All we have to do is let him in. Thanks for sharing this!

That's all it comes down too....We just need to open the door!!

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