I'm Not Religious, I'm Spiritual....

in The Kingdom8 months ago

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....That's a popular saying among the secular world today!

And before I start pointing the finger, that's exactly what I used to claim before I found Jesus.

My entire life I knew God existed, that was never an issue. However I always had a problem with organized religion. Can you blame me? Churches and other religions are filled with...Human beings. And we don't have the greatest track record out there when it comes to following what the Lord intended for us.

So yeah, this was something I used to say all the time...

"I'm not religious, I'm spiritual."

Whether it was pantheism, spiritualism or any other 'ism'...You couldn't lump me with those crazy bible thumper Christians! No way!

Fast forward and here I am doing Friday night bible studies, debating with myself I want to get into ministry and stick my nose in Scripture every single day. Jesus changes you!

So last night, I was in Edmonton to see my oldest son. He's not Christian, but always open to talking about faith and the bible. After we had dinner, and I nice talk about life and God, we decided to head to the local bookstore. This is something we have done since he was a child. I would like to think, I installed in him a love of reading at a young age. So even now when he's in his 20's, a trip to the bookstore with Dad is always welcomed.

I started to stroll over to the 'Faith & Spirituality' section of the store. And now that I live out in the country, I don't frequent these stores as often. But the last time I went there, the Christianity, Islam and Judaism sections took up about a row and a half of the 'Faith & Spirituality' section. There was even an entire shelf or two dedicated to every translation of the bible you could ever want.

Let's just say, I was shocked last night but not surprised...

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet...
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty."
- Revelation 16:13,14

Everywhere in scripture you hear about unclean spirits, wizards, necromancers etc...Which seem to all point to the fact that the world will be overrun with this flood of spiritualism as we approach the last days. And just in case you want to know what God thinks about spiritualism...

"And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among the people..." - Leviticus 20:6

So here I am, standing in the section of the bookstore that used to house more books about God than you could imagine and what has taken it's place. (I wish I took pictures to show you what I saw)...

The sections that was once filled with Christian books, had been replaced by....You guessed it. Spiritualism, tarot cards and other evil satanic writings. Literally, an entire row filled with this stuff. And on the back side of the aisle, I found 2 shelves of Christian books, maybe a half dozen bibles, 7 books on Islam and maybe 3-4 Jewish writings.

I mean, we don't even need to get into scripture to see how the world has completely flipped on it's head. This all changed within a year within these books stores. Christian books being pushed aside for the new agenda of spiritualism.

Now obviously, book stores are after profit and this tells me that books about God, don't sell as much as the witchcraft stuff apparently. This is a problem. Not a surprise, especially if you read scripture, but again...Alarming.

I'm sad to see these stores that I once loved, fall into the snare and trap of the world but I shouldn't expect anything less. The devil is sneaky, and this is one of the tricks he will use....Attacking what we read and fill our minds with...!

Time for me to read and re-read Philippians 4:8 a lot these days ;)




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