A Conspiracy Theory For Christians

in The Kingdom9 months ago


I've been giving this post a lot of thought and exactly how I wanted to present it.

It's something that I've been fighting with for a few weeks now, and hopefully you guys can follow my thinking here when it comes to....The bible and the future.

I saw a crazy stat online that claims a big chunk of professed Christians rarely, if ever read their bible. And what's even more alarming, which I'm sure you may not find surprising, is some might not even own a physical copy.

Think about the last time you were in church, was your pastor reading from his iPad? Do most of the congregation check out the scripture readings on their iPhone or Samsung? Do people even bring bibles to church anymore?

This gets me thinking.....About a future with no bibles.

Follow me here for a second....

I'm posting this on a blockchain. It's new tech. And what's the newest technology that everyone is drooling over these days....AI.

It's apparently going to change everything for us in the future and just one look right here on chain, and you can see how people use AI more than Google it seems.

So what happens in the future when you ask your favorite AI....

"Hey AI...What does John 3:16 say?"

Your AI, decides it's had enough of this Jesus guy and then spits out something like this....Hypothetically:

"For God so hated the world, that he crowned his favorite fallen angel.."

Obviously, this is me thinking worst case scenario but check this out....

We've already seen where entire chapters and verses have been removed from modern bibles, so how easy would it be for AI in the future to...Edit a few things. Right under our noses.

And seeing that a big chunk of Christians don't either own a physical bible never mind read it daily...So you can see where this might go.

Conspiracy theory?

Worst case scenario?

I dunno, but I'm going to start 'prepping' here because I just don't trust 'the world'. My prepping is, buying physical copies of the word of God. And this isn't about any one translation either, everyone knows I read the KJV and NKJV, but I think it's important that people just own physical copies. No matter what the translation.

This is just something to think about for the future. A future where everything is digital, maybe having a few analog copies of scripture might serve us well.

Hey maybe this is all me just thinking too deep into this but even if nothing happens with AI and changing the word...I think we can agree, that sticking out noses into the bible is a habit that we should all do much more of.

What are your thoughts?

Crazy talk?

Something to be concerned about?



I think many don't read/own bibles is because many in their simple minds think they are some kind of god and prefer to worship themselves over their creator. But thats not for me to explain to Yahuah why people do this. I think people do this because they see the devil as a made up christian and follow him whether they know or don't. Evil to some looks good. Notice today that doing evil is good and doing good makes you bad. For example, tyrant cops and government trying to block our Yahuah given right on this earth. Those are the ones who think their gods and need to worshipped. I'd rather punch them in the face and make my hand go through their head. Many of the religions of today has satan as their silent leader to pull the rug on us. This si why I refuse to go to any church, and won't lose respect for those who do.

Yahuah rules this world even though we live in it. We are here to take care of His world he left for us to maintain. But all I see are wars and destruction, not for protecting humanity, but to protect billionaire interest. We are to pro-create, not murder our children, the sick, and the old. Yes I am talking on Canada's soon population control called "MAID". I couldn't believe hearing from independent news sources they want to bring this to children. The evil of this world is coming for our lives and we doing nothing about it because we expect Yahuah to come and save us. Its not His job to take care of us, we take care of Him and His world. And we are failing Yahuah badly. I guess its a good thing I am not and god b because I'd have this earth filled to the brim with water that not even the Nephilim (The Giants) would survive, and no Noah. And I would start over, from scratch. And in the garden of Eden I would have Satan hanging on the tree of life. As a reminder to the human of evil will die.


Notice today that doing evil is good and doing good makes you bad.

That's actually scripture man, Isaiah 5:20. Woe unto them!

Thankfully, we have the word of God tested and true to rely on!

Many people don't read bibles mainly due to not understanding the text, because most churches historically have used KJV. I know that was the main gripe when I was kid. A dependency developed on trusting pastors and preachers to decipher the Word.

Ai changing Biblical text would just be a continuation of what's already been done. All of the different translations serve a purpose beyond making things easier to understand, words and entire passages are often omitted in some of those translations.

Yeah man, and I just see it happen so quickly and right under our noses, that it wont even be denied.

That's a great point. We rely much more on pastors and preachers to 'explain' scripture than digging in ourselves