Seek Ye' First The Kingdom...

in The Kingdom3 months ago

If you are a Christian, let me know if this sounds familiar....

You get on FIRE for God. Like there are times on your walk that it's all you think about. The bible comes alive. You want to shout from the roof tops. And then....Life happens. The fire seems to burn out. I know I can't be the only one this has happened to?

So a few years ago, a really good friend of mine (@jangle) and I thought it would be a cool idea to do two things....

  1. Read through the bible as a community

  2. Develop a Christian community on the blockchain

This was our way to keep the fire burning on our walks with Christ and it was a pretty great start! Unfortunately again, life happens. And the fire seems to dim. However, the spark is still there as long as we ask God to come into our lives.

So with that, I have been trying to build our little blockchain community - The Kingdom - slowly and steadily on chain!

Now this isn't the biggest community on chain, I'm actually sure it's not even the most active Christian community either. However over the past few months, it's really be steady!

Here's some stats that I just pulled recently:

It's a pretty cool group of people that love to share scripture and of course, Jesus with the world. And I try to support it as much as I can.

I want to do more though, and that will hopefully be to support anyone that posts in The Kingdom with BBHO upvotes. So if you are posting to the community, be sure to add BBH to all your content, and I'll find it and get you guys some votes!

But the mission for this community has not changed....

It's to talk about God, the bible and our walk with Jesus.

I hope to create more posts in the community going forward, as I shut down my 'Christian' account and just focused on content from 'jongolson'. I dont really have the time to juggle multiple accounts anymore, so everything under one roof seems to fit the bill :)

But this is the invite....

If you are interested in God. Religion. Faith. Or anything in between, pop by and say hi :)

I know it's not the most popular topic on the blockchain, and at times can get a little tense. But I'm not shamed of the gospel ;) And I love to talk about it, even with people who may not believe the same way I do. That's the beauty of this blockchain and I like to keep it that way...We can all, sit down, break bread and talk to each other with respect.

But I'll still call sin by it's right name ;)

We will be firing up the next 'read through the bible in a year' group reading in the next few weeks. If you want to be a part, let me know and I can set you up with the links to the reading plan we will follow.

=> You can also join our Discord here as well!

Hope to see you guys over at the Kingdom!

Matthew 6:33

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am down for some Bible reading and discussion. Been a while.


Yeah it's been a fun little exercise we've done the past few years. Very rewarding!

Why can get tense at times? There come people from other religions or non-believers?

I'm right, you are wrong kind of mentality....But some people just try to avoid it to stop the potential for an argument.

I got saved when I was 10, at a little storefront pentecostal church. I'll never forget the pastor (a female no less), advised me to read the book of Revelation first as it promised a blessing to anyone who read it. I did so in the park on the way home (I'm a fast reader), and felt what I can only call "a good feeling" start in the center of my chest and spread througout my body.

It felt so good that I was hugging myself by the time I got home, and the feeling slowly faded away by the next morning. As you said, life happens. While I backslid and fell away from churches due to various scandals involving corrupt pastors and such, I always remained a believer (my knee will never bow to Baal).

Coming from a "religous" family with members who led a number of churches, I got a chance to peek "behind the curtain" and see Oz in action. My grandfather, uncles and cousins all pastored "churches" where they led "their" flock, so I got to see the rot up close.

I know the "church business" inside and out, and have stayed as far away from them as I can. We've come a long way from the 1st century AD when church was held in homes around a large table. Today, religous leaders are millionaires wearing thousand dollar shoes and have private jets. Going to "church" is like attending a concert at Madison Square Garden, with a stage and a light show. The Lord himself was humble and always gave credit to the father. What a contrast. I wish you the best of luck with your community.

100% agree. That is not what I would call a faith based church, it's entertainment and the sole purpose is to separate you from your money so the clergy can live in luxury

Sadly that is what most people think when they think of church or Christians.

Narrow is the gate.

God rewards those who share His words abundantly
I pray a lot of people listen to the word of God and heed to it

amen and amen!