The evidence and the effect of Christ sacrifice through His blood for believers

in The Kingdomlast year

Hebrews 9:11-12 The Heavenly Pattern of Worship But now the Anointed One has become the King-Priest of every wonderful thing that has come. For he serves in a greater, more perfect heavenly tabernacle not made by men. And he has entered once and forever into the Holiest Sanctuary of All, not with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the sacred blood of his own sacrifice. And he alone has made our salvation secure forever!

God institutes a new covenant and sealed it with the precious blood of Jesus, that might never be broken on abrogated. This expresses why the blood of Jesus is mostly referred to as the Blood of the New Testament whereby, it was impossible for the blood of bull, goats and others animals to wash away human's sins rather than covering human's sin. Therefore, man's frailty and decadence caused God to give His only Begotten Son, Jesus as the very last sacrifice human could make for redemption of his soul.

Matthew 26:28-29 For this is the blood that seals the new covenant. It will be poured out for many for the complete forgiveness of sins. The next time we drink this, I will be with you and we will drink it together with a new understanding in the kingdom realm of my Father.”

What then are the evidence and the effects of Christ blood to humanity


  • The impact of the blood of Jesus is the washing of man's sin which couldn't be done by animals' blood and the limitations of these animal's blood was the covering rather than the perpetual cleansing.

Hebrews 10:1-2,4-6 The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God. For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure. For what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin’s guilt? So when Jesus the Messiah came into the world he said, “Since your ultimate desire was not another animal sacrifice, you have clothed me with a body that I might offer myself instead! Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice.

  • Access to God is one of most privilege everyman stands to enjoy as one of the evidence through the blood of Jesus.

Ephesians 2:13-18 Yet look at you now! Everything is new! Although you were once distant and far away from God, now you have been brought delightfully close to him through the sacred blood of Jesus—you have actually been united to Christ! Our reconciling “Peace” is Jesus! He has made Jew and non-Jew one in Christ. By dying as our sacrifice, he has broken down every wall of prejudice that separated us and has now made us equal through our union with Christ. Ethnic hatred has been dissolved by the crucifixion of his precious body on the cross. The legal code that stood condemning every one of us has now been repealed by his command. His triune essence has made peace between us by starting over—forming one new race of humanity, Jews and non-Jews fused together! Two have now become one, and we live restored to God and reconciled in the body of Christ. Through his crucifixion, hatred died. For the Messiah has come to preach this sweet message of peace to you, the ones who were distant, and to those who are near. And now, because we are united to Christ, we both have equal and direct access in the realm of the Holy Spirit to come before the Father!

Christ paid the full penalty for human sin, thereby meeting the full requirements of the law and fully satisfying the claims of God's righteousness.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is so powerful this morning, their is no other sacrifice than that which was done on the cross of Calvary. Jesus blood is the highest blood, of focus no wan can stand or beat the sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Thank you for this wonderful message

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