Honor The Blessings Your Parents Carries Over You.

in The Kingdom2 months ago

When it comes to people praying for you, there is nobody's prayer that is as powerful and potent as that of our parents.


The amount of blessings our parents have to give to us is comparable to none. That your papa carries more blessings to give you than that your pope. Your mother's prayer will favour you more than the prayer of that your female pastor, or your pastors wife.

No love can be comparable to that of our mother. Nobody can do what our mother does for her children. It is very sad and heartbreaking to see a child, whom her mother sacrificed, ending up lavishing his or her wealth without taking care of their parents after they finally made it.

Never neglect your parents in life. Your parents should be the first people to show love to and lavish your wealth on after you have finally made it in life. Don't ignore your mother who has been praying for you even before your were born to this earth.

Honor and take care of parents. There is no lasting favour for you and with God if you don't willingly honor your parents who give birth to you.

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