All Good Things Comes From God

in The Kingdom2 months ago

Hello Believers and friends of the Kingdom community.

All right, I don't know who this is for, but you need to hear it.

Let's go back to Genesis with Adam and Eve in that tree. Let's just talk about the placement of things.

The Bible says all good and perfect things come from the Lord.

So anything that comes from God, anything that God created is good. But I want you to see how the good thing that God had planted in that garden, that tree was perverted and used as a tool by the enemy to get them to sin.

A lot of times we have different things in our lives that God has placed there that he can use to get glory out of. The beauty of the tree in that garden was proof of Adam and Eve's obedience to what God commanded them. By obeying and not eating.

But that was the very thing the devil tried to target them with to get them to do the opposite of what God was using it for to get the glory.There are so many beautiful things that God created that the enemy tries to pervert.

God will take S-E-X. He placed it there. It's in the vicinity. But you cannot touch that when God says don't touch it. It is specifically designed for marriage. But especially in today's society, the enemy tries to corrupt it and say, you can do what you want to do.

Or when God is leading you to save your money, the enemy will literally come and tell you, whisper things in your ear like, oh, you need to buy this right now. Or it's not going to be here anymore.

God told you to leave it because he had it for a specific purpose. And it's in your obedience that God gets the glory. Believers need to see that it's not the thing in itself that is corrupt. It's what the enemy tries to convince you to do with what God has placed in your life.


The enemy's job is to pervert whatever it is that God means for good and turn it for evil. He plays on your free will and convinces you to use it for the opposite of the purpose that God created it for.

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