Money can't buy life but, God is the essence of life

in The Kingdom7 days ago

My kingdom friends!

It seems I have found my niche community to share my exciting moments with the scriptural stories with you.

I love God, my dear self, and my family.


This scripture says,

St. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

The truth in the word of God is always profound and real. He is the way; if we follow him, he will show us the way to live, the way of his righteousness. He is the truth, he can never lie, his word is Ye and Amen. The word of God is always filled with truth, God is faithful in his words for the establishment. He is the life; when you have God, you have life. He is not only the giver of life, but he also sustains it to the very end. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and resurrected so that we might have access to his Father, who is the way.

The life we are living now, can't be bought by our million. If money was used to save a life, a lot of people who are stocking money in their rooms that are dying wouldn't have died. Their money would have given them the necessary lifespan and longevity they needed but it doesn't work that way. God is God and he will still be God forever. Though the scripture refers to our spiritual life, this life comes with inner Peace, Love, and joy in the spirit of the man. So believing in him leads us to eternal life. He is the only way of life.

Acts 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

This verse talks about God as our only source of life, without him, we can't live, we can't move, we can't know ourselves. We move when we have the strength of God in us. Without him, there would be no essence of life.

God is our life, strength, and everything. Don't depend on your money as the source of your life or strength; money can't save life a bit; it can't sustain life in any way. You need God to heal you of your diseases and your infirmities. God is real and He is our life.

Thank you.

Your fashionista,

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