The Lord Is Close To The Brokenhearted

in The Kingdom23 days ago

Psalm 34 verse 18, offers a powerful promise.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


This verse reassures anyone feeling down that God is present and caring, even when life is at its most challenging.

Understanding Brokenheartedness

To be brokenhearted is more than just feeling sad. It's a state of deep sorrow and emotional pain. When someone is brokenhearted, it's like carrying a weight inside, one that doesn't show on the outside but affects everything.

This sorrow may stem from a loss, a failure, or feelings of hopelessness. Imagine a student who has worked tirelessly all year to get into their dream college. They studied late into the night, sacrificed weekends, and poured their whole heart into preparing for the entrance exams and application process.

But when the acceptance letters come out, they find they didn't get in. The disappointment is overwhelming. It feels like all their hard work, and sacrifices were for nothing. They're heartbroken, questioning their abilities and their future. That's similar to the feeling of being brokenhearted, an overwhelming sense that something you cherish deeply has been lost.

But while we might feel alone in this pain, Psalm 34 verse 18 says God is near. He's not far away, watching us struggle from a distance. Instead, He's right beside us in our hurt. He doesn't dismiss our feelings. He meets us in our pain. God's presence in our pain.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. This line speaks volumes about God's character. It's easy to feel abandoned when we're hurting, but God's nature is to draw near when we suffer. Unlike a friend who might not know how to help,
God understands our pain perfectly.

Think of a person who has worked for years to build a business, pouring in time, energy, and resources. But despite their best efforts, the business collapses due to circumstances beyond their control. They feel defeated as if all their hard work was in vain and are overwhelmed
by the sense of failure.

God responds to our cries, staying close and ready to soothe and support us in our pain.

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