Elisha The Miracle Working Prophet

in The Kingdom3 months ago

Elisha, the miracle-working prophet of the Bible.


The story of Elisha, a prophet from the Old Testament, shines brightly with miracles, guidance, and a heart for his people. His journey inspires us, showing us that true faith, humility, and compassion can make the impossible happen.

Elisha's Calling, From Farmer to Prophet. Elisha didn't come from a grand palace or hold a high position initially. He was a farmer working in the fields when Elijah, his mentor, approached him and passed his mantle, an ancient symbol of choosing a successor.

This humble beginning reminds us of how many of us start small, doing ordinary things. Just as Elisha was called from his daily work, we might be called to greater things when we least expect it.

For the Lord sees not as man sees. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

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