Mindfulness - How it helps me grow as a person!

in Old_Gems5 years ago


So, I was talking yesterday, I was absent from Steem for a while and now I'm back. Also, I have shared I want to share my experience, what I have learned over the year related to mindfulness and meditation.

It's not like that I'm a pro on this. I'm just a commoner who practiced this to grow as a person. So, I think sharing my experience could help many to find the right path as well.

Mindfulness is a vast topic to talk about. And there are so many different ways to incorporate it into our life. That's the best thing, I guess. Because no matter who you are you will find some way to do it.

But for me, mindfulness is simple. Or I would say I take it simply. There's no rush to change our life, just give a little intention and it gradually will. And, for me, mindfulness is about embracing present moments. It's like making ourselves conscious about what is happening around. But what I have learned, our judgemental thoughts should be out of this practice. And if we can ensure that, we can have a mind full of energy to roll and rock!

I was never very unconscious about my surroundings. But was also sometimes struggled to find a clue. But after learning mindfulness, it helps to find the clue right away. Not only about what's going around but also what's going on inside, in my mind. It helps me to have some control over my emotions and actions as well. Because I learned to concentrate.

And it helps me to grow as a person as well. Like I was saying about the judgemental thoughts. Yeah, getting rid of them was not easy. But some intentional efforts helped me a lot.

I never put my opinion before know what's happening.

And putting my opinion is never my priority anymore.

I'm making me able to explain current situations and make the right choices.

Embarching my current feeling and proceeding as per.

These are just some example which helped me a lot to grow my personality, to become more humble and free from judgemental thoughts. And I could say I took the best decision to choose mindfulness over anything.

I will write more about mindfulness in my upcoming blogs. Stay in touch...

Take Care of yourself!


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BDvoter Team

Some beautiful advice there! And you do not need to be an expert to share your experiences with people... there is always something that someone can learn from what you have shared :)