Monomad Contest. Easter traditions

in Black And White10 months ago (edited)

Hi friends! I haven't posted in this community in a while. Therefore, I decided to correct this situation and share with you today pictures of traditional Easter children's games near the church on Easter, where the focus is on children from our family.Привіт, друзі! Давненько я вже не писав постів у цій спільноті. Тому я вирішив виправити цю ситуацію і поділитися з вами сьогодні світлинами великодніх традиційних дитячих забав біля церкви на Великдень, де фокус зроблено на дітях з нашої родини.

 10 months ago  

Please do not forget to include the tag in your post (together with the other ones), or we might accidentally miss your entry. 🙂Hello @yetaras and thank you very much for another monomad participation.

Oh, sorry, I haven't participated in a long time and completely forgot about it))