Hello and welcome back to all Hive friends. It's been a while since the last post and you probably sense why is that. The garden needs so much attention now and work simply doesn't end. However, it is nice to see when everything grows and plants are getting thicker and thicker. Please enjoy this gallery.

We will start with Salvia sclarea, commonly known as Clary Sage. Like most of the flowers, also this one attracts pollinators and can be an amazing ornamental piece. On top of that, Clary Sage has many medicinal uses. The most amazing for me is the use for the eyes. The seeds can be soaked in water to produce a mucilaginous substance used to remove foreign objects from the eye, giving rise to the name "Clear Eye."
This Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John's Wort, is a flowering plant with bright yellow flowers characterized by black dots along the margins of the petals. The plant typically blooms in late spring to early summer and can grow up to 1 meter in height. Probably some of you know St. John's Wort can heal wounds and burned skin. However, there is another amazing health benefit from this magical flower. Numerous studies have shown that St. John's Wort can be effective in treating mild to moderate depression, often comparable to prescription antidepressants but with fewer side effects.
This is Lychnis coronaria, commonly known as Rose Campion. It is a biennial or short-lived perennial plant admired for its vibrant magenta flowers and silvery-grey foliage. One would think it is a crime to put this beauty in black and white, but IO think when the shadows are right it is awesome even in monochrome.
The last one in this gallery is Butterfly Bush. These flowers are typically found in shades of purple, pink, white, and orange and bloom from summer to early autumn. The name is more than accurate. Polinators truly love this bush and only watching it makes one happy.
If you like flowers and gardens in black and white, please be my guest and check out our first gallery.
Stay blessed