MONOMAD - Flower Power Vol.1

in Black And White9 months ago

Hello back to all black and white Hive people. The summer is almost here and early blooms are in their full beauty. Sure, colors make flowers beautiful, but somehow also shades and depth have their charm. For today's topic, I present to you a few flowers and some will have a description of them. Especialy if it has medicinal properties. Please enjoy this gallery.
Red valerian, scientifically known as Centranthus ruber, is a perennial flowering plant commonly found in gardens and wild habitats. While it is primarily grown for its attractive flowers, red valerian has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. Red valerian is a versatile plant with several potential health benefits, particularly in promoting relaxation, supporting digestive health, and providing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
Large-leaved lupine, also known as Lupinus polyphyllus, is a species of lupine that is appreciated for its attractive, tall flower spikes and its ability to improve soil health. While it is primarily known as an ornamental and soil-enhancing plant, it also has some traditional uses in herbal medicine. Certain lupine species have been used to alleviate digestive issues. They may help with indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort. However, majority of lupins are toxic so I wouldn't recommend this one as medicinal plat :)
Forget-me-not, belonging to the genus Myosotis, is a small flowering plant known for its delicate blue flowers and historical significance. Forget-me-nots possess several traditional medicinal uses, including anti-inflammatory, wound healing, respiratory health, diuretic effects, and soothing properties.
Knautia arvensis with hardworking bee

Heuchera sanguinea, or coral bells, has several traditional medicinal uses due to its astringent, anti-inflammatory, digestive health, hemostatic, and tonic properties.


Here are three photos from the last post. I think black and white suits them as well.




Well that's it for today's topic. Thank you very much for your attention and support. Without you, my camera would rest in the corner. See you next time with another theme.
Stay blessed



Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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