#monomad challenge for today - Street Art Vol.2

in Black And White3 years ago

first gallery. Enough words, please enjoy and see you next time with another black and white theme.Hello and welcome back to all #monomad enthusiasts, Most of us are on the daily commute to our jobs, and on that route, we pass many art pieces. Most people don't even recognize this as an art piece but rather as vandalism. However, if you know just a bit about drawing and art, you know some graffiti is far from vandalism but rather masterpieces. Some towns are smart enough and they allow artists to use public spaces and facades for their work. One of these in Penang, Malaysia, and I must admit, I truly liked it. Streets are never dull and you can remember them by artwork. On top of that, this approach can invite a lot of tourists as well, which can be extra bonus. If you are a street art lover, here is my

7776 (1).jpg

7776 (2).jpg

7776 (3).jpg

7776 (6).jpg

7776 (4).jpg

7776 (5).jpg


Wow... Beatiful shots for beatifuls works!!!!... 😍

Thank you, I am glad you like it

Cool... I like this photos ... very good walk, I hope you find more soon. 🍷😅👌👌👌☺