Crno bele uspomene. 📷 Black and white memories.

in Black And White2 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

Kao što su neki ljudi spolja lepi, uglancani, sjajni, zgodni ali često su iznutra prazni, tako i danas svi boje fotografije, prenaglašavaju kolorit, glancaju, a priča i kompozicija fotografije je prazna.

Ovo su neke moje fotografije koje bi trebale da ostave mnogo dublji smisao.

Prva fotografija simboliše duhovno uzdizanje. Život je kao spirala, svi imamo uspone i padove ali se ide ka vrhu, ka napretku raznim iskustvima. Sve patnje i radosti daju čoveku dubinu.

Just as some people are beautiful, polished, shiny, handsome on the outside, but often empty on the inside, so today everyone colors the photo, exaggerates the color, glosses it, and the story and composition of the photo is empty.

These are some of my photos that should leave a much deeper meaning.

The first photo symbolizes spiritual ascension. Life is like a spiral, we all have ups and downs, but we go to the top, to progress through various experiences. All sufferings and joys give a person depth.


Druga fotografija prikazuje moj bicikl sa kojim providim već 30 godina. Vrlo sam emotivno vezana za njega. Ima jedna priča:

Jednom sam poklonila svom poznaniku baš ovaj bicikl, iz dva razloga, prvi, jer se moj tadašnji prijatelj žalio da nema bicikl a ja sam pored ovog kupila nov bicikl, pa sam pomislila, zašto mu ga ne bih poklonila?
Medjutim, nakon nekoliko dana, prijatelj mi je rekao da će ga prodati.

  • Molim? Pa i ja sam mogla da ga prodam! Vrati mi bicikl!

Bio je ljut ali mi je vratio bicikl koji sam mu poklonila da bi imao šta da vozi.
Elem, godinama ga nikada nisam zaključavala i nikad mi ga niko nije ukrao.
Zaključila sam da imamo karmičku vezu i da ovaj bicikl jednostavno ne želi da ode od mene. ❤️

The second photo shows my bike, which I have been using for 30 years. I am very emotionally attached to him. There is a story:

I once gave this bike to an acquaintance of mine, for two reasons, the first, because my friend at the time complained that he didn't have a bike, and I bought a new bike next to this one, so I thought, why not give it to him?
However, after a few days, a friend told me that he was going to sell it.

  • I pray? Well, I could sell it too! Give me back the bike!

He was angry, but he returned the bike that I gave him so that he would have something to ride.
Well, I have never locked it for years and no one has ever stolen it from me.
I concluded that we have a karmic connection and that this bike just doesn't want to leave me. ❤️


Sledeća fotografija prikazuje zadovoljstvo krajem jedne lepe salsa-noći.
Nakon nekoliko sati plesa, zadovoljno i umorna, skinula sam sandale i razmišljala o utiscima te noći. Bacila sam pogled na kadar i obavezno uslikala.

The following photo shows the satisfaction at the end of a beautiful salsa night.
After a few hours of dancing, satisfied and tired, I took off my sandals and thought about the impressions of that night. I glanced at the frame and made sure to take a picture.


“Cveće i svećnjak”
Uspomena na rodjendanski poklon. Nežna i romantična fotografija.

"Flowers and Candlestick"
A memory of a birthday present. Tender and romantic photography.


Kao što postoji “hvatač snova”, tako sam i ja saznala da postoji “hvatač Sunca”. Kupila sam ga.

Just as there is a "dream catcher", I also learned that there is a "sun catcher". I bought it.


Na sledećoj fotografiji je moja tetka.
Prijatan momenat dok pijemo kafu. Retko je vidjam jer ne živimo u istoj državi. Pričale smo o svemu što smo propustile. ❤️

The next photo is of my aunt.
A pleasant moment while drinking coffee. I rarely see her because we don't live in the same country. We talked about everything we missed. ❤️


I poslednja fotografija, crkva u drveću. Dan je bio toliko lep da sam poželela da ga zagrlim. S obzirom da je to nemoguće, pogled mi je privukla ova crkva iza koje su oblaci mirno plovili.

And the last photo, the church in the trees. The day was so beautiful that I wanted to hug him. Considering that this is impossible, my eyes were drawn to this church behind which the clouds were sailing peacefully.


Drago mi je ako vam se ovaj digitalni foto-album dopao.

Uživajte u danu! ☀️

I'm glad if you liked this digital photo album.

Enjoy your day! ☀️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


You are a good photographer Thumps up 👍

Thank you so much @sommylove !


Welcome 🤗