MONOMAD PHOTOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE - my first GiG in 2021 (part iii)
I continue my band photography series from the last GiG and MONOMAD PHOTOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE - my first GiG in 2021 ii
Today my photographs are from the live performance of the Space Creatures band, as you easily can get by the name of this band - their genre is Space Rock Psychedelic style. Their music does fluid so perfectly at the open Air location. Many times I listened to them in the closed underground places and always enjoyed the vibes they spread around, but this time at the "cabbage" grounds they were especially Space oriented. I just I would like that next time they will perform in darkness like the other band performed after them. But it will be not a necessary bonus.
Here are some of my photographs I took during the Space Creatures band performance :
Congrats for the mention dear friend.