Monomad challenget-monnay (53)spammerin Black And White • 2 years ago (Image not shown due to low ratings)Images were hidden due to low ratings.Show #monomad #challenge #ocd #hivenaija #archon #neoxian #proofofbrain #creativecoin #appreciator
You have posted 3 posts in the last 13 minutes, all containing one single photo. Your posts add no value to Hive, this is called spamming. I'd suggest focusing on quality instead of quantity as Hive is to use, not to abuse.
Look like we have different definition of abuse. No worries, I'll be here to adjust your rewards.
Also can you please tell me why are you using tags like ocd and appreciator?
Tags should be related to the topic of your post. Your post has nothing to do with ocd or appreciator as these are curation projects.