If you come to Bali , one list that you never miss is to watch their traditional dance.

One of the dance was the "KECAK" dance . The dance has been dancing since 1930 . It was the traditional performance that put the story of Rama (a prince of Ayodhya Kingdom) to salvage Sita (his wife) who is kidnapped by Rahwana , an evil giant king of Alengka Kingdom. Source

The unique about this dance was they using the male human voice ( cak cak cak cak ) and their body language to narrative the sound while the performance being performed .

It's always begin with pray and blessed from the priest . They told that sometimes the spirit of their king and demon possesses the dancer during the performance being held.

After the priest , finish giving blessed and pray , now the dance begin .

The evil spirits is expert on kidnapping . Poor Sita .

Here come the savior to fight the evil spirit and save the day.

At the end , it was happy ending . Im actually wondering how will the story go if the evil was won the fight . What twist will happen to them .

The show was finish with pray and blessed by the priest just like when it was start .

Among the photo above , this is my entry for the #monomad challenge