Better late than never I guess, xD. Sixteen days ago, I had gone to visit my family and siblings and I was opportuned to also see my niece. It's usually one of the things I look forward to, going to see my folks. Obviously there's the food, but it's usually seeing everyone together in one place. I never fail to pick up my camera while going there also, as there is always an opportunity to get some good photos.

The pictures are delightful. We were having so much fun, and then my older sister asked to join us in the fun and then she did. Their smile is so beautiful and I enjoyed every single second of shooting this. I shot it with my Nikon D3200 and a 50mm lens.
Such a pity you decided to leave the prettiest tag of them all out of this otherwise very promising post. Oh well...
Oh damn I forgot 😞
Beautiful pictures
Thank you so much 🙏🏿