Just Cruisin’ & Thinking - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White6 months ago

Hail to the Hive!

There’s nothing quite like chugging along the canals in great summer weather. To be honest it’s pretty chill most of the time but when the weather is good it’s sublime.


I spend hours alone with my thoughts,the surrounding nature, the sound of the diesel engine chugging, my camera and coffee within arms reach and my hand on the tiller, gently puttering along as we meander along the canals interrupted sometimes by a family of swans passing by.


The scenery ever changing, bridges to pass under and locks to negotiate and as I said, time with my thoughts. Nice time thinking, planning, reminiscing of times gone by and considering future plans. Alot of thinking. Chug chug chug,

We don’t often get this kind of reflecting time in the modern faced paced world , but on the canals there seems to be endless time. Everyone and everything in slow motion. A kind of life time out so to speak. A big pause for thought I guess you could call some of the cruising time I have. Time tomthink, consider and reconsider and then go back over it all again, mind contantly churning in a very relaxed state. I like this me time.


We have recently done some very long days cruising , up to 10 ours on a couple of days. Thats a lot of time alone with your thiughts, hut I enjoyed it. It gave me an opportunity to delve deep into plans for the future and consider what has happened in recent times. Put it all into context and perspective. It was quite a useful meditation. I was grateful for it and I believe the good sleep I have had recently was because of this.


For a while we will now be in a certain area. No long chugging cruises but I am looking forward to when we do get back on the cut for a long stint again. It is most enjoyable.

Love a bit of #monomad 😜








Beautiful portrait of friends, the natural scenery around you really amazes me, thank you for sharing with us, I hope you have a pleasant day friends.

Thank you! Appreciate you stopping by to take time to comment

thanks for the nice feedback, much appreciated! Living in this environment is very rewarding for sure

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

cheers guys!!!!

Love these shots, so beautiful.
I agree it's not so easy to find pauses in this modern life, for some anyway. I try my best to make time everyday. But it helps living as we do, doesn't it? xxx