Beauty in Decay - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White7 months ago

Hail to the Hive!

Some of you may have heard the phrase from the US ‘ a bum steer’ referring to cattle that may be ill, sick or lame etc and therefore a bad purchase. For me a ‘ Bum Steer’ is when I am driving my canal boat and see something I wish to photograph and then manage to steer the vessel with my arse while leaving my hands free to take photos.😄

These were taken while ‘ Bum Steering ‘

Quite frequently as we are slooooowly cruising along we pass things I want to capture. In fact rarely a few minutes passes that I don’t reach for my phone, go promor camera to snap away and this dead tree was one of those things that I couldn’t cruise past without trying to capture it as it was so striking and stood out as if saying ‘ capture my image before I am completely gone from this earth ’…..and so I did. Cos I am one for listening to dead trees 🌲.


I didn’t even notice the bird perched on the branch at the time and it was only after the fact later that day while scrolling through the day’s captures that I realised its presence and it looks like it was meant to ne there to complete the shot.

The canals really are a bounty for image capture and especially monochrome. The flat waters make for great reflections and the mix of industrial and nature on a regular basis give ample and endless variety. Fields, trees, wildlife, factories, villages, watery cityscapes, it has the lot.

You do have to be good at bum steering though 😉

Love a bit of #monomad 😜

