Mis primeros contactos con la fotografía en blanco y negro/ My first contacts with black and white photography (ESP/ENG)

in Black And White2 years ago

Hola, buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches a todos, soy fotógrafo casi recién adentrándome en este mundo de la fotografía profesional que me abre un hermoso e inmenso mar de posibilidades. Sigo aprendiendo y lo seguiré haciendo, porque nunca se para de aprender y nunca es temprano ni tarde para hacerlo, siempre es el momento justo. Soy amante de los colores vivos en mis fotos, pero siempre me ha llamado la atención ese halo misterioso y fascinante que envuelve el mundo de la fotografía en blanco y negro, no es solamente tomar la foto y luego en Lightroom presionar la tecla V y listo, o bajar por completo la saturación de una foto para que quede un disparo en blanco y negro perfecto, tampoco basta con solo usar un filtro ya sea en un software de edición o desde la cámara, lo cierto es que la fotografía en blanco y negro es todo un mundo aparte y hay que saber hacerla. Aquí les dejo algunas fotos de este tipo que he editado, porque si, a pesar de que aún le tengo respeto a este tipo de fotografía, intento atreverme a hacerla de vez en cuando.

Hello, good morning, good afternoon or good evening everyone, I am a photographer, almost just entering this world of professional photography that opens up a beautiful and immense sea of possibilities for me. I continue learning and I will continue doing so, because you never stop learning and it is never early or late to do it, it is always the right time. I am a lover of bright colors in my photos, but I have always been struck by that mysterious and fascinating halo that surrounds the world of black and white photography, it is not just taking the photo and then in Lightroom pressing the V key and that's it. , or completely lower the saturation of a photo so that a perfect black and white shot remains, it is not enough to just use a filter either in editing software or from the camera, the truth is that black and white photography It's a whole world apart and you have to know how to do it. Here I leave you some photos of this type that I have edited, because yes, although I still have respect for this type of photography, I try to dare to do it from time to time.

A sido un placer compartir estos disparos con ustedes. Si les ha gustado mi post siganme para ver más contenido como este y apóyenme con su upvote, estaría muy contento con eso. Soy Rafa Sanz y les mando un abrazo grande desde Cuba.

It has been a pleasure to share these shots with you. If you liked my post, follow me to see more content like this and support me with your upvote, I would be very happy with that. I'm Rafa Sanz and I send you a big hug from Cuba.

Autor: rafasanz93

Instagram: https://instagram.com/rafa_sanz93?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== Traducción: https://translate.google.com


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LEO Power Up Day - September 15, 2023
 2 years ago (edited) 

It would be a shame not to include one of these images in our selection tomorrow 🙂Hello @rafasanz93 and welcome to the black and white community! Please do not forget to add the #monomad tag to your post (together with the other tags).

Oh thank you very much, it would be a pleasure if you would take one of my photos into account. For future posts I won't forget to include the tag.

Wow the pictures are astonishing👍

Thanks bro 🙏