Santiago de Cuba in Black & White

in Black And White5 months ago
Santiago de Cuba is the second-largest city in Cuba and the capital city of Santiago de Cuba Province. It lies in the southeastern area of the island, some 870 km (540 mi) southeast of the Cuban capital of Havana. Wikipedia

I have been able to visit it a few times and have fond memories of it. That's why today I choose Black and White and I hope you like these photos.

Okay, let's do it.

So, 😃

Pic 1

Aché pa´ ti - bracelets, necklaces and bells related to Santeria. In addition there is a bowl with something called ‘Cascarilla’ which is widely used in the Yoruba religion for protection, purification and cleansing rituals. This is made from powdered eggshell.


Aché is a special gift or power that an Orisha, one of the deities in the Yoruba religion, has. This word is also associated with good luck according to popular culture and everyday speech.

This photo was taken in Santiago de Cuba on 21 March 2019.

Where were you that day? 😁

It is a stall through which we can see a local business of sellers and repairers of... glasses, watches, lighters... lots of things.

Pic 2

(All photos are from the same day because I was on a working trip)


The glass of the cinema in Calle Enramada, showing the poster of the film ‘Innocence’ (2018). I can tell we are less innocent today than we were that day when I captured this scene. Lol.

This film recreates events that took place in Cuba in November 1871, after a group of medical students were imprisoned for an unjust accusation. It is a historical drama directed by filmmaker Alejandro Gil, with a screenplay by Amilcar Salatti.

Pic 3


I love this landscape and whenever I go to Santiago I photograph it. It is never the same, of course. This photo was taken on the city's promenade before embarking us on an unforgettable trip to Cayo Granma, also known as Cayo Smith.

Pic 4


I remember seeing the name of that ship, ‘Clodomira’, and I thought of my great-aunt Tita. But what I didn't remember was the story she told me about a woman called Clodomira, or who she was. I don't know why I sometimes have gaps in my mind... And I did enjoy the scenery. I only took two shots.

Pic 5

Goza pepilla!

It's a way of saying, have a good time woman hahaha... 🤷‍♀ Cubanisms. When people are minding their own business, you can be quite snoopy.

Pic 6


Let me slip this in here... I don't know her at all.

Someone called chef Lorenzo inherited that hat, I tell you that with full knowledge of the facts.

Pic 7


A boat took us to the key. It was glorious... and an adventure I will never forget.

Pic 8


The swaying waves and the birds seem to merge with the motions.

Actually this photo was forgotten in my archive. I hadn't detailed it until I edited it in black and white and loved it.

@enraizar I dedicate this photo to you. And I challenge you to find a background music that suits it.

Pic 9


Between Santiago de Cuba and Granma Key or Smith Key is the ‘Antonio Maceo’ Thermoelectric Power Plant, also known as Renté.

Pic 10


Small towns that can be seen from the sea as we approach our destination.

Pic 11


Marina Marlin Punta Gorda.

Hernán Cortes departed from here for the conquest of Mexico and also the fleet of Admiral Cervera, in the naval battle between Spain and the United States, for the city of Santiago de Cuba in 1898.

Pic 12


This is the most ‘curious’ look I caught that day. It was helped a lot by the 200mm lens I had on my camera.

(There is only one photo left to share and many, many more in my archive. But I brought these to the #Monomad Challenge)

Pic 13


Sometimes I wonder if I will ever visit Santiago de Cuba again. I don't know. Every time I went, I did it for work, but I am no longer a press photojournalist.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Those are some nice and diverse photographs. I like the first 9 the best!

I concentrated more on the trip to that key which belongs to Santiago de Cuba, but I have many photos from that trip.

Beautiful pictures, I was confused to choose, all the pictures you took were amazing, cool shots 👍

Thank you. 😉

awesome set of snaps to wake up to, Love the Clodimira especially.

🙃 I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you! I also remember from Clodomira that I wanted to frame everything and I couldn't hahaha... because of the lens.

It works , its a great capture

Thank you, 😇 and have a wonderful day, @grindle.

cheers you too

Qué fuerte esa película Inocencia, la vi hace unos años y me impactó.
Muy bella Santiago, me hablaron de esta ciudad, pero no tuve oportunidad de conocerla cuando estuve en la isla.

Sí, yo también quedé impactada con la película. Y la vi en pantalla grande. Un día quizás visites Santiago, ¿quién sabe?

Although your last trip to Santiago brings you the occasional bad deal, those photos are your ultimate joy. All of them are very nice as well as Santiago de Cuba is, the pictures I like the most are 6, 8, 11 and 12.
Happy day, you have an important task.☎️☎️ Un kiss.🥰🤗

Yes, how awful. And I have to walk... that means a lot of lost time. But I'll take my camera with me to take pictures while waiting at the bus stops.
I did this trip in 2019. From the last trip I have a lot more photos left that I haven't published.

Besito Mamani 😘

Number 3 is definetely my fav: not sure why, but I find it full of melancholy.

Thank you very much. Yes, maybe it's the sky or the perspective that the logs give it.

What great great pictures I really have a hard time choosing a favourite.
What a nice hat! The birds on the water super! The birds flying, more super! Clouds, boats... there's everything I like! I want a necklace... but I love boats!!! I've never been on one can you believe?


Do you want a Santeria necklace? Oh my... 😳


I don't really like boats that much. I like to look at them and photograph them, but I don't think I'd like to travel long distances in them.

Gracias. 😌😇

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ahhh, I knew you'd laugh!

I want to get on! Yes I want it all hahaha


(duerme, ve)

*morí! 😂

Todos los collares quiero, pulseras todo... no uso jajaja

¿Todos te los vas a poner a la vez? ¿Qué no usas? ¿Estás bien? 😄

no uso colgantes ni pulseras... si todos a la vez...mejor no... no no estoy bien tengo sueño🤣

My stepfather, who is Cuban, has always mentioned to me that Santiago de Cuba is one of the most beautiful cities in the country, with a great architectural and cultural heritage. Although the only time I have been to Cuba I had many intentions to go to Santiago de Cuba but I could only get to Santa Clara and due to time issues I could not go to Santiago, but I hope someday to visit it and take as many pictures as I can.

That's right. A rich architectural and cultural heritage. I have more photos I can share later.
Check this out. It's a castle that was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site.

This is ‘street photography’ at a superlative level @nanixxx friend... ‘I have worn out the wheel of my mouse scrolling up and down your post to see again and again each photo’... They are all “the best photo”!... But I loved this one in particular!...



Oh, my friend, you are so kind. Thank you, thank you very much. I am happy that you enjoy my post, but be careful not to spoil your mouse wheel. (joke) 🤣

You have a spectacular archive...and the wonderful luck to have been in Santiago de Cuba, I hope one day to be able to do it and get to know my country better.

My favorites, Photo: 1,2,3......13
The most favorite: 3, 6, 7, 8 and etc...

The black and white says more than a thousand colors....

Ahh! and you are still photojournalist here at Hive.

Maybe one day you'll be part of something bigger than everything you did before.

were you chubbier?



Sí, rellenita. Qué graciosa eres, me haces reír mucho.

What I'm left for...😑

Para lo que he quedao'...😑

Hug @nanixxx


🤣 ay ay ay... I'm really going to sweeten you up, woman, by saying something that is very true. You are very smart and you couldn't lack a sense of humour. It's a rule. Intelligence and humour almost always go together.

Cierto, tengo que reír más...pero te juro que me morí de la risa con tu comentario..lo que no sé expresarlo bien...😂

A quien pueda interesar: detesto el traductor.

Linda tarde @nanixxx.


Linda tarde y un abrazo. 😇

Beautiful shots of coastlines. #8 is a great shot capturing birds and sea in motion.

Thank you. It is also my favourite! 😉

I love that one of the birds over the water, such a beautiful texture to it

Good eye!

Thank you.

With subtlety I lend myself to the challenge and with love I leave these notes of blue and sand colors.


Thank you very much @nanixxx


I've always liked that song and this version is great. Buena elección. ¡Gracias!


I figured you might like the song. I would like to tell you about the selection process. When I saw the picture I got the image of the cover of Serrat's album (a cover that my imagination brought me, because later I searched that cover on the internet and the cover of the album is another one). I love this song, and a few days ago the youtube algorithm discovered this preciosa version).

Back to the beginning, the picture reminded me of a cover that doesn't exist and when I saw it I thought: this is the reason why an algorithm gave me a song, so that I could give it to you when you ask for it (is all this very complicated?).

I also liked very much the look of that little girl, and pic 3.

And now, yes: a big hug.

Thank you.


is all this very complicated?

Noooo, nada. Jajaja... Me gusta toda esta explicación.

Abrazo recibido.

(And more thanks to you, I like that you like my photos)

Feliz domingo!!!


Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @jlinaresp from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our


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