
in Black And White4 months ago (edited)

Very recently my neighbour was able to fulfil a dream and I made her joy my own. I also contributed a few photos for her memories.


But, this achievement of hers involved weeks of calculations and budgets, deals, searching for materials, sacrifices, dealing with dishonest people... until finally her ‘star’ or the Universe, as I call it, put the right person in front of her so that she could achieve her purpose.




Under the insolent 😅 sun, the rough part happened.


A lot of sweat and men toiling to put each element together in the appropriate measure.




They all seemed to be perfectly in sync, despite the fact that they do not form a team for these labours. They were some neighbours hired to support the work.


My respects to the boss of this construction work. A man who must be over 70 years old and whom I saw for a week with only one assistant shuttering the whole area where the concrete was to be poured.




It was hot as hell. This paper from the cement bags could easily burn in there.


While I stood on the roof looking at some details, and taking care not to slip, because I didn't really have my rubber boots on, but a pair of fragile flip-flops, I barely heard them talking. I doubt they didn't. I think, though, that I was either too concentrated or too dazed...


The whole process was being done by hand. They didn't use that contraption that whips the mixture... yes, that thing we call ‘concretera’ here: a round, hollow device that spins around while the sand, gravel, water and cement are poured inside.

We had no power (almost every day we had a 3 or 4 hour blackout)... the old man knew that such a device was going to be a nuisance and useless.


This kid was in charge of stirring, sometimes, the stew made with vegetables and various meats, which would be an important part of the lunch my neighbour planned for all the workers.


They are so funny, these little ones! They were there as the first ones to help in any way they could. Their uncles, grandfather and grandmother were all involved in the work.


And this is my entry in the #Monomad Challenge, wishing everyone who makes it this far to keep the joy and good vibes, even if life imposes challenges.

Dreams always become a reality when there is the right disposition, the right energy. And if they are conceived from the heart, they come true even faster.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Fascinating how safety hazards from your culture to here are just completely obsolete.

You mean my flip-flops? 😄

Well, that too. When I see construction photos from somewhere like where you are or just not stateside, I guess, there's no cones, reflective vests, hard hats, gloves / glasses et cetera. Basic personal protective equipment roun-deez parts.

For 22 years my career was to keep personnel safe. 22 years, not a single injury under my watch. Hard to ignore basic (what I consider basic) safety precautions thrown to the wind.


Yes, I got it, I was joking.
What can I tell you...? It's a wild natural state that we can't get rid of for multiple reasons and I don't know how healthy that is.

I imagine you see this and it doesn't fit in your mind. Not many of them fit in mine either. But it is what we have and what we are.


If a concrete ceiling looks bad, does it support editing? How many times? 😅😁🤣💆🏻‍♀️ doesn't fit in your mind

It's comments like these that take me to a cafe to enjoy some coffee.

Do you know who Yelawolf is? It's ok if you don't. I'm a big fan, we've partied together and stuff. He just released a new one. Does it hurt your neck as much as mine?

Yes, it hurts me because I should get out of bed and go get a coffee.... 😄😉 no flip flops. I also have things to do today. There's a hurricane coming. Another one. I have to get ready.

I'll listen to it.

 4 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.

Thank you very much. Sorry for the delay in replying. We had a hurricane yesterday. I have no connection, and I'm taking advantage of the fact that I went outside to take some pictures and I found a place where there is 4G. I'm sorry.

Amazing work in my opinion, it's a hard job but the end result is really beautiful, I really enjoy some of the work you shared today my friend.

Oh yes, hard work. Looks like it turned out well.
Thanks, 😀 @furkanmamplam. Have a nice day.

You're welcome my friend 🥰😍


That is a solid post Miss N ( get it? concrete solid????)

Sí, 🤠😅 Got it.

May all go well over there, concretely (does this word exists?) your challenges. I send you a hug.

It is now lol x

One's heart's desire is fulfilled, because the universe works for it. What a joy! And what good shots!🤗


The Universe works in mysterious ways. We know that.
Now I was remembering a saying that people repeat a lot here: "God squeezes but doesn't suffocate"... I hear it often. Does it mean that he puts us through harder and harder tests before we see the sun?

Sería algo así, pero después de haber aprendido otras cosas... Dios es todo bondad, nunca haría que sufriéramos somos nosotros mismos los que nos ponemos a prueba...

El sufrimiento es una cosa nuestra. Se supone que del dolor crecemos, pero podemos parar de sufrir cuando queramos. Así que Él manda pruebas duras y dolorosas para que trabajemos en nosotros y sanemos las heridas por las que emanan ese y otros sufrimientos. Se llama aceptar las sombras y seguir evolucionando.
Teoría facil de explicar, pero muy complicada de poner en práctica.

The practice is not so always... until the whole is understood.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much @brumest and Qurator Team. ☀️

En las fotografías se puede apreciar lo fuerte que estaba el sol 😱, el calor seguro era infernal. Por otro lado, me alegra mucho ver a gente unida trabajando en equipo 💪, qué bueno que al final resultó todo positivo. Saludos, linda @nanixxx 🤗.

Gracias. Oh, sí, el sol... el sol de Cuba no entiende de estaciones.

Me imagino jajaja por acá ha estado lluvioso, pero se mantuvo caluroso casi todo el año, cosa que no es común aquí... las consecuencias del cambio climático 😅.

Lo que más me gusta además de las fotos es como los vecinos se involucraron en esa tarea. Y me siento feliz porque estás entre gente que se quieren y se ayudan. Linda esa foto de los niños, su abuela y la anfitriona. Un día de sol mucho trabajo y de feliz resultado. Nosotros los cubanos hasta con mucho trabajo y sol hacemos una fiesta. Un cariño para tí.❤️😍

Te abrazo Mamani. 🤗

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @jlinaresp from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

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