This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.
Greetings, dear friends of the community. Happy start of the week to all of you, I hope you are feeling great and had a great weekend. As I always use to take a lot of pictures in freestyle events I want to share with you some others as I did last week, I hope you enjoy them.
Saludos, queridos amigos de la comunidad. Feliz inicio de semana para todos, espero que se encuentren genial y hayan tenido un excelente fin de semana. Como siempre acostumbro hacer muchas fotografías en los eventos de freestyle quiero compartir con ustedes algunas otras al igual que lo hice la semana pasada, espero que las disfruten.

Yesterday and Saturday there were two new freestyle events, which would be the last of the year, but I certainly could not attend because I had other things to do, but apparently there are already some planned for the beginning of the year, so I will be attentive to go to enjoy and also take new pictures.
El día de ayer y el sábado se hicieron dos nuevos eventos de freestyle, los cuales serían los últimos del año, pero ciertamente no pude asistir por tener otras cosas que hacer, pero al parecer ya hay algunos planificados para inicios de año, por lo que estaré atento para ir a disfrutar y también hacer nuevas fotografías.

Being in these places is always very striking, you can even see in the background of each competitor as there are people around, either enjoying the event or also recording it with their cell phones, since, I guess for other people it is fascinating to see how someone manages to rhyme in such a natural way instantly, it is totally worth the experience.
Estar en estos lugares siempre resulta muy llamativo, incluso pueden ver al fondo de cada competidor como hay personas alrededor, ya sea disfrutando del evento o también grabando el mismo con sus celulares, ya que, supongo que para otras personas resulta fascinante ver cómo alguien logra rimar de una manera tan natural al instante, vale totalmente la pena la experiencia.

So far the publication, thank you very much for stopping by one more day, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and that you are also enjoying these last days of the year 2024. Nothing more to add, see you next time!
Hasta aquí la publicación, muchas gracias por pasarse un día más, espero que hayan disfrutado de las fotografías y que estén también disfrutando de estos últimos días del año 2024. Sin nada más que agregar, ¡Hasta la próxima!

Cámara utilizada: Sony Alpha 3000
Objetivo Sony: 18-55mm
Camera used: Sony Alpha 3000
Sony Lens: 18-55mm
Cool pics.. I always enjoy the facial expressions of your subjects.
Thank you so much, that's one of the most striking things about doing this type of portrait!
Greetings my friend, nice pictures, these street events are very interesting to photograph and you have done very well. Hugs and happy new year.
That's right, seeing them and taking pictures is very interesting. Thank you very much, my friend. Happy New Year!
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
I really appreciate being awarded third place, thank you very much!