Monomad: Portraits in a cathedral with Daniela [Eng/Esp]

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

Today I want to share with you some portraits I took of my friend Daniela that I find interesting because of the expressions on her face, if you look at some photographs they are similar, but with that subtle change in her face and her expressions it seems to me that the photograph adopts a different essence.

El día de hoy quiero compartirles unos retratos que le hice a mí amiga Daniela que me parecen interesante por las expresiones en su rostro, si se fijan en algunas fotografías son similares, pero con ese cambio sutil en su rostro y sus expresiones me parece que la fotografía adopta una esencia diferente.

The place where we took these pictures was in front of a cathedral, this place is quite visited by many people, besides being quite a striking place here where I live, but we took advantage of a place where few people pass by and this gave us a little more privacy and freedom for the photographs.

El lugar donde hicimos estas fotografías fue frente a una catedral, este lugar es bastante visitado por bastantes personas, además de ser un lugar bastante llamativo aquí en el lugar donde vivo, pero aprovechamos un lugar donde pocas personas pasan y esto nos dio un poco más de privacidad y libertad para las fotografías.

What I like the most about shooting with Daniela is her calmness when posing, she is one of those few models I have worked with that let themselves go with what they want, they don't need me to direct them and if I do it is in very subtle things.

Lo que más me gusta de hacer fotografías junto a Daniela es su tranquilidad para posar, es de esas pocas modelos con las que he trabajado que se dejan llevar por lo que quieren, no necesitan que yo les esté dirigiendo y si lo hago es en cosas muy sutiles.

I hope you liked the pictures, it won't be long until the end of the year and in this new year I will try to do new and better things than the ones I have shared with you, thank you very much for stopping by!

Espero que las fotografías les hayan gustado, ya falta poco para que finalice el año y en este nuevo año intentaré hacer cosas nuevas y mejores de las que les he compartido. ¡Muchas gracias por pasarse!

Todos los derechos reservados / All rights reserved by @Naitreart.

Cámara utilizada: Sony Alpha 3000
Objetivo Sony: 18-55mm

Camera used: Sony Alpha 3000
Sony Lens: 18-55mm


The photos you present look very good, your model understands how to do every move. Looks very professional

I'm glad you liked them and the truth is that yes, Daniela's modeling work is excellent!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for the constant support @brumest and @qurator team!

 last year  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.

Thank you so much!