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RE: MONOMAD: Schizophyllum Commune

in Black And White4 months ago

When I was little I heard a mythology from old people, if butterflies come to our house then soon we will have guests, that's what the old people believed. Except that day, friends came not because they were harvesting butterflies at home but because they were harvesting mushrooms behind the house. Apart from that, because of the lure of fried noodles with seafood.

It turns out that mythological mushrooms, seafood such as invitations, crabs and oysters are more acceptable to my guests than butterflies. That doesn't mean I reject the butterfly myth, I'm sure the old people were right, if we have butterflies at home, it's a sign that we will have guests at home. Tomorrow I will cook butterfly noodles and then I will invite @akukamaruzzaman @vannour @asklanbudi dan and also other friends. 😃



I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the butterfly. I'll be back to take a picture of the butterfly, regardless of whether I end up in a butterfly myth or not 😀